The latest addition to my Future War Commander "Open Market" aka Gundam force, the good old Gouf mass produced mobile suit.
While more close combat orientated then the ZAKU, to which it lost out to become the suit of choice for the Principality of Zeon, it is often a suit used by officers and aces.
The model itself is a 1/400 scale Gasaphon (capsule toy) made by BanDai in the same sort of soft plastic like the various Clix systems, and has been repainted from it's pre-paint (albeit correct) colour scheme and based to be used on the tabletop.
While 6mm is actually 1/300, these models look far better with the terrain often used for those games, and they can serve perfectly as well in the Mobile Suit Gundam skirmish game, something I`m looking into trying out solo one of these months.
Now to pick one of the many classes in the armylist to represent it with...
WW2 Gurkhas
While taking stock of the Chindits and Gurkhas the other day, I realized
the only thing I had to finish that collection (and have another army at
1000 po...
5 uur geleden
Ah, the Ranma Ral special!