The Expanse has been without a doubt the best of Sci-fi television out there the past years, being thrilling, exciting, smart and using hard fysics instead of flashy stuff.
And yet, after three seasons SyFy axed it. Enter Amazon Prime, which rescued the series and continued producing this fourth, but also has confirmed a fifth season already.
But how would the show survive network switches? Well, different from many other shows, as it actually went up a further notch and delivered the close to perfect season. And adding the always excellent Burn Gorman to the cast was an additional plus for me.
In this season, the crew of the Rocinante find themselves on Cibola Burn, one of the planets now accessible due to the proto-molecule creators open Ringgates. Here, with the help of Miller, they try to discover the mysteries of the ancient civilisation, but the world isn`t quite dead yet.
On Mars in the meantime, opportunities begin to dwindle as Bobby, dismissed from the army, finds out, as more people try to claim resources on the newly discovered worlds. But in the Belt, things are being stirred up as a terrorist named Marko tries to rekindle hostilities with Earth to provide access to the Ringgates for the Belters.
An Earth where Avasarala has to fight the hard election battle after the incidents from the previous seasons...
Intrigues enough again this year on the "3 party setting" of political factions, who just don`t get together while struggling for survival, even with an external thread still looming just beyond the gates...
Fantastic stuff!
WW2 Gurkhas
While taking stock of the Chindits and Gurkhas the other day, I realized
the only thing I had to finish that collection (and have another army at
1000 po...
5 uur geleden
Now we have Netflix, because lock-in, we've caught up with season four, and as you say, it's great.