Ow my tummy. It hurts, it HURTS... what the hell have I been watching...
Okay, first things first, while I`m a Trekkie by heart, I do appreciate all things science fiction on the television, and I never was "anti-Star Wars" like a lot more fanatical ones are.
And yes, I`m probably one of the few that actually enjoyed The Phantom Menace.
But this sequel trilogy... I could stand the first one, even with all it's fanservice and being a basic remake of A New Hope. The second one on the other hand left me "unfullfilled"... but this... this was so bad it's more of a rant of things I just didn`t see happening canonical wise, then enjoying the actual movie.
So the Emperor lives, cool, he only survived a drop in an exploding nuclear reactor of a Daeth Star that fell from orbit onto one of Endor's moon, just sounds like your regular bump against the closet. And yet, for some reason this doesn`t bother me THAT much. No, it's the Rey saves all that I really can`t stand in the film.
In the, what, a year, since she discovered she is force sensitive, she can do things none of the greatest Jedi (or Sith for that matter) could ever pull off. Yoda had to focus to pull Luke's X-Wing out of the Dagobah swamps... no problem, here comes Rey, grabbing a departing shuttle out of the sky... during a duel... casually with one hand.
Healing powers? Check. Ressurection powers!!! Check (and not only her, Ben Solo as well), and then there is that odd thing between Ren and Kylo that they can actually transfer not only items, but even themselves at times... something Luke could do only vaguely after decades in isolation.
No, this makes a whole lot of plot twists totally crap-a-doodles terrible and even useless, like C3-PO's memory reset, no problem, R2 has a backup copy anyways.
Perhaps the best thing about the saga conclusion, think about this: by the end of this movie, the ENTIRE bloodlines of Skywalker, Solo and Organa have been wiped out, and only a Palpantine remains...
It was, to be honest, a long, winded out torture trip to watch this abomination, and I prise hallelujah for The Mandalorian, because that series actually prevents the whole franchise from imploding on itself at the moment...
WW2 Gurkhas
While taking stock of the Chindits and Gurkhas the other day, I realized
the only thing I had to finish that collection (and have another army at
1000 po...
5 uur geleden
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