Okay, so these are perhaps the most necessary critters for the game: rats.
Every boat, every cellar, every dungeon... they seem to be all over the place.
So I printed up 18 of them, as well as some "wood pattern" 20mm bases, and added them in groups of two to a base for easier tabletop handling.
The stl was already enlarged to 200% or they would just be to tiny, but I think they scale nicely with a 28mm figure now.
Paintjob was pretty basic: brown basecoat, a drybrush of a lighter brown, skin on the tails, snouts and paws, and then a Strong Tone wash.
And sort of the same for the bases, though I went for lighter brownish grey there (including the "base" the beasties come on) for the second layer to give some more contrast.
And there we have it, 9 bases of little furry animals to bite the heroes in their ankles...
WW2 Gurkhas
While taking stock of the Chindits and Gurkhas the other day, I realized
the only thing I had to finish that collection (and have another army at
1000 po...
5 uur geleden
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