I always loved this book series by Alexander Kent, set in the Napoleonic era that followed the adventures and rise through the ranks of Richard Bolitho.
But this fictional character fell at the end of the defeat of Napoleon, and now the books follow his nephew Adam, captain of the frigate Unrivalled.
It is December 1815 and Adam Bolitho's orders are unequivocal. As captain of His Majesty's frigate Unrivalled of forty-six guns, he is required to 'repair in the first instance to Freetown, Sierra Leone, and reasonably assist the senior officer of the patrolling squadron'.
But all efforts of the British anti-slavery patrols to curb a flourishing trade in human life are hampered by unsuitable ships, by the indefference of a government more concerned with old enemies made distrustfull allies, and by the continuing belligerence of the Dey of Algiers, which threatens to ignite a full-scale war.
For Adam, also, there is no peace. Lost in grief and loneliness, his uncle's death still unavenged, he is uncertain of all but his identity as a man of war. The sea is his element, the ship his only home, and a reckless, perhaps doomed attack on an impregnable stronghold his only hope of settling the bitterest of debts.
What I liked about it
* The tale continuing with the appearance of Bolitho`s old shipmates like Allday and Herrick, to learn how they went on.
* The story is taking you along in an age post Napoleon and a changing world.
What I didn`t like about it
* While still early in his story career, at the moment Adam isn`t a Richard though...
Never the less, this was another joy to read, as I`m really a fan of Kent's style and storytelling.
A Look at Some Akkadians
While time at the painting desk seems at a premium of late due to other
distractions, work continues albeit at a slower pace. What time I find,
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