Tonight I fought perhaps the hardest battle imaginable.
Not for the fact it was small scaled, or for the fact it was against my own daemons... no, becuase it was the game I learned Noshi to play 40k.
Winning would mean sleeping on the couch, losing would mean I'd never hear the end of how she beat me in her first game... dilemma's.
The small points setting of the game was twofold. On the one hand because that's all the daemons I have finished at the moment, on the other it would give her some different units to play with in the form of 2 Heralds, two units of 10 daemonettes and a unit of 5 Seekers.
Opposing her: obligatory Lucius, a Heretic Marine squad and some Possessed... meaning while she had no shooting phase, I needed to weather her psychic assault...
We didn't play a scenario as such or use the cards, as a simple game to go through the steps of the playsheets would be information enough already... to that end, I also opted to let her play with the Index list instead of the Codex and her Herals only had Smite. Keeping it simple for a first game.
Both sides set up and the Daemons got the first turn, the Seekers advancing to nearly the front of my lines, but they would luckily fail their charge roll. However, before that, her first Smite had taken down three of my Heretic Marines with a big fazap, resulting in another one legging it at the end of the turn.
Desperate to keep the Seekers from charging, Lucius jumped in and with the combination of his Doom Siren and close combat skills, 4 of the Seekers fell, but Lucius had taken two wounds in the exchange as well.
Next turn, he was charged by the daemonettes, but Noshi firt smacked the Heretics Marines with a full powered Smite again, laying low 4 of them.
The combat between the daemonettes and an Herald on the one hand, and Lucius on the other went rather cruel. The 15 attacks of the screeching ladies, boosted to S5 by the presence of the two heralds and the 6 to wounds are -4 AP made that Lucius was literally grassmowered down, bouncing of a few wounds still with his armour but cut down none the less. Before the Herald itself could even attack...
Things looked very grim now, and the Possessed moved forward to try and intercept another daemonette unit. The resulting combat took two of them down for the exchange of 5 daemonettes... hadn't Noshi rolled 3 saves of 6...
Her third turn was a mop up experience, the S5 daemonettes cutting down the Possessed while the other remnants of her unit cut down my last Marines...
It was a trashing defeat to be honest. I was literally mowed to pieces in a storm of claws, and there wasn't a lot to do against it. Slaaneshi daemons, even the 'poor' Index version, are fast as hell (and only became even faster in the Codex) while their -4 AP chances are real killers against Power Armoured 'elite' troops...
The demonic face of victory... at least I didn't end up on the couch...
A Look at Some Akkadians
While time at the painting desk seems at a premium of late due to other
distractions, work continues albeit at a slower pace. What time I find,
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