It was a real quiet evening this week at the club on a game level, as everything was put in order for the ACW megagame that took place the saturday.
And of which you can read more HERE.
As a result, only 3 games where being held, one which was an 8 player game of What A Tanker! by Too Fat Lardies, making use of 15mm miniatures.
Noshi played Nemesis in a game of 40k, in which she commanded his Iron Warriors to try out a "shooty" force in her ventures to pick her army of choice. It won't be static armies at all...
The final gathering of gamers was one of the Heroquest groups, trying to survive the dastardly schemes GM Dirk had invented for this session...
The painting corner was well manned tonight as well.
But a calm week as such, which will definitly change again next week!
From GregB - Braganza's Besiegers (65 points)
Braganza's Besiegers, ready to hold the line!
Another Painting Challenge is nearly this stage one looks
around at the rather large pile of "...
4 uur geleden
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