The latest reinforcements for my Future War Commander force aren`t actual reinforcements, but repaints.
You see, at the beginning I painted a few bases in colours of Legions I wanted to build in 40k as well, to emulate my forces in both scales.
But I dropped that idea for 40k, and instead decided to focus on the Emperor's Children alone, more so since the recent big battle as I started converting (at last?) again for the 3rd legion.
So I repainted the bases of 6mm epic troops to my beloved pinks and blacks as well, to boost the ranks even more and have a large Pink Phalanx when that 6mm Mega Battle I got in my brain kicks off in earnest...
And of course, some pre-Heresy purple and gold will be splattered amongst the next batch as well!
But for now, the pink force is reinforced with 3 commanders, a stand of Assault Marines, 2 stands of regular Marines (which so far have proven to be match winners in the games I played), a Grav Bike and a bike scout.
For the Emperor!
From GregB - Braganza's Besiegers (65 points)
Braganza's Besiegers, ready to hold the line!
Another Painting Challenge is nearly this stage one looks
around at the rather large pile of "...
4 uur geleden
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