Nearly two weeks we're (occassionally) running around in the World of Azeroth again, and the first dilemma is turning up. Or make that multiple dilemma's actually...
I'm on the brink of hitting the new maximum level, being level 90, and will be 'dinging' within half an hour next time I get to start this game up as I only need less then a million XP and by tuesday will be 5 days worth of resting in place. And sitting here at my girlfriends with her old laptop that doesn't run wow and looking at her doing paperwork, I am quite bored at the moment. Envy to the Nemesis who could put in 10 hours yesterday, but at least the scroll of ressurection has netted me an extra mount.
This will open a heap of new ventures I will definitly be looking into, like the Timeless Isle for one, and the faction reputation grinding can start, but then the questions start to arise.
With Warlords of the Draenei on the horizon, I got this gut feeling The Burning Crusade is going to get hit like 'vanilla wow' was with Cataclysm. That made Zandalar and Shendo'lar obsolete for one, and now I wonder if it is still worthwhile investing time in the old expansion. I still need to get some factions there to the higher level, but I'm also wondering about my dadda's... mounts and pets.
There are two that should be solo-able at this level in Heroic mode (Setthek was that already at 80) and maybe I should dedicate some daily time to do Heroic Setthek Halls and Magister Terrace runs to try and obtain both the Raven Lord mount and the White Hawkstrider mounts. Both raid mounts will be out of reach as long as I don't get either a guild or Nemesis to join in my hunt.
I am especially fond of the Hawkstrider... suits a Sin'dorei like myself in her regality...
And as an Angler, I should really start investing time in fishing. Three of the crocs of Old Man Barlow's daily fishing quests still elude me, as well as Mr Pinchy. I never even fished up his box before... but drop rates apparently have improved the past years. And Mr Pinchy is needed to get a better shot at the Salty title.
A second dilemma is to wether or not get the paladin in motion as well again, and resume his job as auctioneer / miner / skinner to feed my main her needed resources. In doing this, I could also abuse him to do the pet battling requirements to get those pet beasties up some more...
Oh, and then there is this of course... of which I still need a good amount of mounts and pets, and in doing so might get the Sunreavers to exalted to buy an extra pet and two mounts from them as well. But all that does cut big time into the Pandaria experience and with my for the moment very limited in-game time, this is going to be some though nuts to crack.
Because somewhere down the line, I should restart working on the Molten Front as well, the patch where I left of from the game years ago... but I also should like to get my professions all to their maximum 600 range.
That PC really needs to be transferred...
From Barks: More 40K (136 points)
Because of reasons, this may be my last post this Challenge. I've not
reached my ambitious target, but it has been good to get paint on figures.
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