One of the things I always said to myself was that once my bricks where all sorted out (which, admittedly, isn`t fully done actually) I would start building again.
Now, inspired by Brickmania, the idea I always had to use some existing sets and build them in some small scene dioramas, has been kindled up and today I received two small baseplates of 16x16 studs to complete two planned ideas... and while at it I completed a third I had started on.
Now, these aren`t by far large MoC builds or such, just simple scenery pieces making use of smaller sets, in this case for all three scenes a total of 2 promo sets and 3 of the smaller sets from a range.
And they where a suitable `training` to slowly get back into it and build some more ambitious pieces in the future... within the confines of the available space for baseplates.
A Dead Man`s Chest
This set makes use of the small Jack Sparrow promotional set, and an island I had from God-knows-which pirates set from my youth. Sailing the seas to raise funds for a crew, Captain Sparrow comes upon a true Dead Man`s Chest.
The Riddle of the Ring
From the recent Hobbit range, I have this small set when Bilbo finds the Ring and encounters Gollum. I wanted to incorporate it one a small base in which the boat comes near the shore of the rock formation.
Camp Attack
When waiting for his courier by air to extract a mysterious golden crystal, an unlucky adventurer comes under attack by a giant scarab. This set uses the Pharaoh`s Quest promotional small plane, which I tried to build airborne using a transparant mounting, as well as the Scarab Attack set. On top of that, it uses the rock formation from the smaller Prince of Persia set I picked up two weeks ago at Brickmania.
Next project vaguely forming in my mind is something with the Dol Guldur promo set, together with a more build up formation on a smaller plate, before trying to tackle something bigger in the trend of a wizards tower.
Ciao Ciao
40K - Aeldari - Faction Update
Since the announcement late last year (at the World Championships in
November?) that the Aeldari Codex would be one of the first ones released
this year,...
45 minuten geleden
have seen someone replicating works of modern art in lego that looked a little like these and about on the same scale. Kind of made it even more ironic