This week is going to be a really short report with actually next to none goals achieved, nor any big goals to be obtained.
You see, the reason is twofold. First, I made the boo-boo last week by thinking the Darkmoon Faire was the past weekend, but it starts today at midnight. So everything I aimed for last week carries over to the coming one, namely obtaining already one of mounts.
The second fact is that I`ve been busy, and will be busy, for the coming days. Tattoo appointment on tuesday, heaps of tinkering with a new blog website which I hope to be able to share in the coming days on the other side, cleaning up the remnants of the now dead hobbies, the big rearranging and dust off-ing of all my Saint Seiya boxes one of these days... and that has been without even being busy sorting out through all my cards of both the trading card and the card game varieties, resorting binders in a more logical way.
And considering the next step in that project is to engage in some `agressive trading` over at TradeCardsOnline will mean a lot of rummaging through boxes and binders to lessen the common and uncommon mountain of cards, that is going to take quite some time as well.
Another thing I am busy doing and need to do is build up a trade reference network and `get known` over at some regular trading card sites, so strolling forums, register, post things of a non spam manner... that kind of things. It`s a different world then collectible card games, though in essence we`re talking small pieces of art, but that way I can hopefully get to know some people already to prepare for Pacific Rim card exchanges, as it is better to have some aquintances already then popping in `uninvited`.
And then there is now to search to look for all those 100s of Saint Seiya cards I added to the House of Cards page...
And then I need to start preparing for my exams in the last week of April...
So World of Warcraft wise, this means I rarely be playing the coming easter vacation, probably only dropping in for the Darkmoon Faire and it`s dailies on the main. In the past 4 days, the only thing I actually did was do a Karazhan run to no avail for Midnight.
Never the less, I did pop two nice achievements in the first part of the week. The first was completing Outland Safari, capturing at least a single copy of each pet out there, aiming for Uncommon or higher.
The other goal I reached was completing the Tillers cooking meta achievement, something I`ll be revisiting once I got more time and start planting again for reputation factions.
So as you can see, a really, really calm week in online gaming for me, which will probably last until May except for World Event dailies (Noblegarden and Children`s Week are coming up in two and three weeks respectfully! That`s extra Mounts and Pets!), but I did get the Cataclysmic Cooking for the Guild achievement already near the 2k mark, but failed marginally to get the 1800 pool catched fish, and was 400 under the 16k Critter mark.
But I will get back to those for sure when the cooldown time is over ;-)
From Good to Great
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