Things are looking good for this old Geek, as this summer sees not one but two excellent releases.
First of, there is going to be the newest card set (and probably final one I think in this format) of the Crusade game system, detailing the final part of the Pallas story arc, as well as the CGI movie coming next month.
Unless they are going to dig into the expanded manga volumes and base cards on The Lost Canvas, Episode G (and recently started sequel), and Saintia Sho (that last one still needs to make the english or french editions translations, hurry on will you) and the likes. Lots of material still to go actually, but not sure if it will be adapted to the system. Anyways, my 3 to 5 boxes budget has been set aside.
Estimated release is beginning of July.
Next up this summer, and a definitive MUST HAVE, is the EX version of Cygnus Hyoga in the v2 armour, finally something to replace that horrible first iteration with from the beginnings of 2000, as I posted on this blog a few weeks ago. Considering Hyoga tends to remain `on the cheaper scale` of Myth cloths as he isn`t the most popular `Fab5`er out there, he won`t be rising spectacularly in price once he is out, so it might be I wait him out until FACTS if Archonia doesn`t run a pre-order on him.
Estimated release on that one, end of august.
Taking these into account, plus the fact that the CG movie will probably be appearing on BluRay by the end of september, it are going to be fun days to watch over the various sites of Paper Moon Japan, Archonia and Play Asia for that *ping* when they appear on site.
Bolt Action: Operation Torch Part 3
*Wednesday, 18 November 1942 *
*After the failed attempt to wrest the oasis and the surrounding heights
from the Vichy on Sunday, November 15, 1942 , the...
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