Yesterday I finally found a small gap in my time schedule to unpack and assemble the remaining goodies from AC last weekend, and here is how they look out of the box.
The first model I got was this very nice, big gashapon model of Pisces Aphrodite, the first one in that particular series I could get my hands on.
The model is beautifully sculpted for a Capsule Toy, and the named base just adds that extra touch to it for displaying compared to the regular `leg clamp` those toys usually tend to have.
Secondly was this Deathmask Chibi. I had already picked up two of those models in London last year when I visited TokyoToys (honestly, rather by accident as we suddenly foudn ourselvs in the vicinity) after the Phantom of the Opera musical, and I thought them a cute little series, albeit rather expensive.
They are also blindpacked in boxes, so it is not worth the gamble of buying sealed boxes from the net for them, I might be spending ages completing the 12 gold saints and the bronze equivalents otherwise.
Both of these models where bought at a trader called The Promised Land, but unfortunatly they don`t have a webshop, just a Facebook page, so I`ll have to take a peek at them again when FACTS comes in october.
Another buy I did there where these two old school surplices. Those models are ugly compared to the current, far more expesive, Myth line, but they do breath sheer nostalgia for me. When I started following the series, this sort of models was all there was to get, which back in those days was actually quit revolutionary on toys with their articulation points and detachable armour.
The models himself, I like Camus the most. I always said, even being a Cancer, that the Aquarius cloth for me is the prettiest of the twelve. Not because of it`s ice based attacks as a Hyoga geekboy, but the fact the armour is simple and elegant in design.
Well, that is it for goodies this year, I kept it modest (also, due to lack of much choice, I had the myth cloths some traders had with them, only found these two of the older line, and didn`t want to blow a salary of capsule toys), but I do like each and every buy I made.
Bolt Action: Operation Torch Part 3
*Wednesday, 18 November 1942 *
*After the failed attempt to wrest the oasis and the surrounding heights
from the Vichy on Sunday, November 15, 1942 , the...
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