Today I have some very cool builds to show from my stolls around MOCpages, a website dedicated to those talented builders sharing their creations with the world.
I recently made myself a profile there as well to share my limited talents with the world, as I`ve know been `back into` building My Own Creations for about 6 months.
Though I do gladly admit I lack the talent and am still tinkering with mastering some of the advanced skills out there, like the building of round towers (I can manage the structure, but am struggling with the part to connect it to the base plate and adding the roof square plates to it) to name one, I honestly believe that I am not totally hopeless in some of my creations.
I`m especially proud of my Storehouse so far, as that is the one I managed to get together not only coherently, but also to have it tell a few `small stories` in it as the villagers went on with their businesses there.
Currently I`m working on, or better, waiting for some bricks to arrive from BrickLink, my builds for the second Book of Historica part 2 challenge, which takes place in the feudal land of Avalonia (the country the closest in atmosphere to the Castle and Kingdoms line), where the two factions are not really fighting a Civil War, but are on the one hand out to investigate a mysterious plague, and on the other hand try to battle an emerging drow invasion.
Are they connected? Only time will tell!
I myself have volunteered to help in combatting the invasion, whose steps are for category 1 having your character gain information on the drow, category 2 is to build a defensive structure for holding of the drow, and the Open category 3 being to build a story of a massive offensive against the Drow. My entries will fall in Categories 1 and 2, the first one being as good as done as I type this.
But let`s get back to those pieces of inspiration first. I have been drooling over three in particular this morning, the first being this awesome
Avengers Helicarrier by Yo-Sub Joo
The model is huge, and really looks the part from the movie. I always though the moment it lifted from the waves one of the more awe-inspiring moments of recent `geeky movies`.
Another great build, whoch i already had seen on the Guilds of Historica forum, is
The Wayfarer by Gabriel Thompson (or just Gabe on Eurobricks)
This mighty vessel is part of the Mitgardia / Kaliphim naval challenge over at Eurobricks, and that means my little creation of a few weeks ago, that can be found on this blogs MoC page, the Thorgills is up against that one amongst others.
See what I mean in the skill difference, but my plank will go down fighting hehehe...
Finally, on this special day for Formula One fans, I couldn`t do anything else then show off a car build, and this
McLaren M23 by Greg 998
Is one lifelike looking machine!
But also, may I show this build and digital CUSOO proposal, as todat at 14.17 GMT+1, it is exactly 20 years since my childhood hero and the man Ayrton Senna died and the myth commenced...
That is it for this time, next time I think I`m going to focus an episode of this series purely on the Guilds of Historica theme, and show some builds and eye-candy I face on a virtual daily basis...
Bolt Action: Operation Torch Part 3
*Wednesday, 18 November 1942 *
*After the failed attempt to wrest the oasis and the surrounding heights
from the Vichy on Sunday, November 15, 1942 , the...
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