The final weeks of the AHPC where this march, and as such the number of painted models still rather good.
Though near the end of the challenge, once the goals where reached and 10th was far out of reach, I did 'slack down' as I returned to play Final Fantasy XIV with Noshi.
But never the less, some projects got some more loving and neared their completeness, even though in the case of the Emperor's Children I guess I never will be 'completely done'.
This month saw me complete a few more of the limited edition figures we released at our Crisis shows. De Dulle Griet and the Bokkenrijder where completed this month.
Of course, said Emperor's Children got some serious boosting in their numbers as well, as I started painting up both necessary units for the big battle in may in the form of the additional Noise Marines, as well as a heap of odds and ends for their 'sub armies' like the daemons of Slaanesh or the first Heretics unit in the form of some mildly converted Mutant Rabble.
Another heavy 'hitter' this month have been my Dark Age Irish, in that I (bar 2 it seems) completed the final box of plastic warriors from Gripping Beast.
For the budding Ancients project under the Mortem et Gloriam rules, I completed some Shang spearmen for the Mandate of Heavy Late Shang Dynasty list. These guys are going to be worked on in between in the coming months, but probably one of the main projects for the next challenge... it'll depend on when I mail order the remaining 'needed' units...
A small odd and end in between was this single base of 4 miniature dwarf cultists in scale 15mm was entered in the challenge as well, even though I planned on three bases as the entry... so they probably will show up in the coming month...
To round of the challenge as it began, I painted up more of my 6mm forces. Though not every finished Knight made the deadline, resulting in three of them being ready the day after the end of the challenge. This boosts the force now to a sweet number of selections, and I am hoping / planning on adding a few more units in april as well. They are lovely in betweeners to paint when you have only an hour or such.
The final thing I painted this month has been the start of the new project, a 1000 point T'au Empire battlesuit force painted in the colours of the Gundams from the SEED Destiny anime. The first is the Buster gundam coloured Broadside and his Ball inspired companion drones.
Not really figures as such, some `essentials` have been done as well, and these resulted in my having to order fresh Coat D`Arms Tank Green paint soon... very soon... as in probably this afternoon x-D
So that's it for march, a strong number of 79 models have been saved from Lead Mountain again, and while the numbers for april will definitly be lower, I do expect to get some things finished for sure...
For april I`m aiming at rounding out the 15mm Dwarves, the 6mm jump troops I have on the desk for a while now, those two AWOL Dark Age warriors and a fresh ACW regiment as main targets. I also have some odds and ends I`m dabbling with at the moment, and an urgent mail order coming in who will have to be painted like within a week of their arrival for the next Dux campaign game the 13th I believe...
Until next month, brush on!
From KerryT: "Oh what a night"....Victrix Medieval Knights (180 points)
Morning, afternoon & evening all
Well, with the sun shining late this afternoon there's a chance that the
PVA will dry and allow me to finish this entry....
1 uur geleden
Great work Tom!