10 Mounts! That is the gain of having a week of holidays and being obliged to sit still behind the computer, amongst other reasons not trying to get in the way of the girlfriend going into a `Home Improvement` fit. She made a nice mirrored bedroom furniture piece with two old closets btw, as well as repainted a lot of closets in the muchkin`s room.
And I? I have been grinding like only a dedicated grinder can....
The first three mounts came on sunday after I wrote up the week 3 planning. I hit exalted with the Order of the Cloud Serpents, and as such could add the three Cloud Serpent mounts to my collection, the one I `trained` and the two other colour variant that are available for purchase then.
Monday saw me completing in the morning the Molten Front offensive, and you get this nice Flameward Hippgryph as a result for unlocking all the factions.
But that wasn`t all, as monday evening I went to grind through AQ40 in solo mode, now that I have learned you no longer need to be in a Raid group to visit all the pre-Cataclysm raids, and the red Battle Tank bug did drop. And the Feat of Strength that goes with it...
Forward to tuesday, and another faction got Exalted, as all my fishing paid off and I hit Exalted with the Anglers. The Waterstrider can be added to the collection now, making 6 mounts during the week already, and this is a very handy `walks on water` beastie.
It then slowed down a little until thursday, where I got the Golden Lotus to Exalted and the three Cranes to be added as well to the collection. Thinking 9 would be the end for this week, I was mistaken...
... as I remembered about the 3 PvP mounts I still missed and after popping in some battlegrounds, I took along the Black War Kodo, to end on a nice 10 mounts gathered.
That ended as well 2 out of the 3 set goals. I really tried for goal three and score the Sea Pony vanity pet from fishing in the Darkmoon Faire, but 2 Bright Baubles and 16 Sharpened Fish Hooks later, it still wasn`t caught, though I did make some 100s of gold on the sales of squid and shrimp. On the other hand, the Muckbreath pet did come in my possession during the, when it is available, Crocolisks in the City daily, something I check around for every day on my way to the regular Setthek clear out. That Raven Lord will be mine some day. And it is an easy way to restock on fishing hooks for the next Faire...
Talking Darkmoon, I *hope* that next time it is in town at the beginning of april I can snatch the first of the two buyable mounts there. At 180 tickets each, and grabbing around 70 in a week of dailies and monthly quests, this`ll take up about three more Faires for both mounts to be grabbed. I did try to get down the Den Mother yesterday, but I ended up with the quest pelt and the helmet shroud as loot, the shroud now available on Moonglade EU Horde`s auction house as I have zilch use for that. The `bannered, spotlighted mailbox` combination me and an Alliance engineer put down there was pretty nice looking though...
So what are my activities going to be for the coming week then? Contrary to the past week, it`ll be a rather busy week and I think I`ll be mostly doing the daily tour of Tol Barad and the Argent Tournament in the first place, as those are far bigger and time intensive grinds then the remaining three factions I need for Pandarian Ambassador and the reward. The Klaxxi, the Shado Pan and the August Celestials will have to wait a little bit longer before getting Exalted and the 4 mounts I can get through that (one scorpion, 3 tigers and 1 Cloud serpent respectively). This little Streetfighter in-game joke will get spanked a little less the coming days...
While in Outland, I`m dropping daily by in Gun`Drak and the Violet Hold to try and get the Heroic Wrath instances achievement done, and the red Proto Drake you get as a reward for that. I only need to get 4 more of the achievements done to grab it, but the most difficult is turning out What the Eck. The poor Oracle beastie just can`t seem to hit me, even with my gear downed. The other three are all Violet Hold ones, depending mostly on which bosses get `unlocked` during each run...
Mostly as the above stated, I don`t plan on doing anything especially outside that. Any mounts that I can get my hands on bar the daily Tol Barad and Argent Tournament routines the coming week are bonus, but I don`t have any real goals apart of trying the daily quickies of the Raven Lord and the Blue Proto Drake, as well as the once in a week chance for the Hunter`s horse. It does do wonders for the Sunreavers reputation though, and they should hit Exalted this week.
Gold Making
No schemes for now, no trying to corner markets. I just toss all my green items from Wrath dungeons and all the stacks of Frostweave on the AH and see where it`ll end up. I will make the effort for serious gold making after I have the buyable mounts from the factions, after all the remaining ones (Klaxxi, Shado Pan and August Celestials, but also one on top of from Dominance Offensive and Sunreavers Onsluaght) as I will be needing a lot of gold to get the by then remaining few mounts to hit the 150 mark, like 12.000 for the Dalaran mammoth, and more then 100.000 for the big Yak... Then it is eyes set to the Black Market Auction House I guess, and search the achievements that are achieveable in solo modus, while using the greens, crafting materials and cloth parts to top up the gold amounts.
Okay, skip those for now, seriously. I need to do pet battles instead, to get at least 5 - 6 pets to level 25 and be able to do another series of additional dailies on the Darkmoon Faire. My starting team tends to be the Enchanted Broom, Phoenix Hatchling and Spirit of Competition, while often using so far in the lower areas my Clockwork Gnome and Tuskarr Kite. I want at least one of them at level 20 by the end of the week, as they currently are at 15, the latter two around 10...
So that is it for the plan this week, now what are the firm goals? Nothing much at all actually, just these ones, that won`t be to hard to fulfill with only a few hours put in each day of effort, the first one if I can do my instance cycling should come almost automatically:
* Get the Sunreavers to Exalted, and as a result grab the `50 Reputations Exalted` meta achievement
* Get one battlepet to level 20
Bolt Action: Operation Torch Part 3
*Wednesday, 18 November 1942 *
*After the failed attempt to wrest the oasis and the surrounding heights
from the Vichy on Sunday, November 15, 1942 , the...
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