Well, as we say here in Antwerp, De Kop is eraf (the head is off, meaning, we started again) as I watched through the first anime series of the year today.
Counting 12 episodes, this takes about 3.5 hours, so it`s not like it's THAT big of a suprise though...
Issei and his incredible handy (for fan service) Break Dress power is back in the second season of this harem anime. Based on the light novel of the same name, this second season combines two story arcs, the third and the fourth, into the series.
Still studying at the demon school, the "slightly" perverted Issei and his mostly female companions must first see to regain the Excalibur swords to prevent all shards combining again in the wrong hands.
This leads to a discovery about his Sacred Gear glove, as there is a second, white dragon out there that is destined to fight his red Welsh dragon aspect.
Of course, this leads to the necessary love triangle, heck, squares even and the animated boobies are everywhere over the screen. Our lead is torn between his love intrest, but his pervert nature makes he doesn`t openly resist the advances of all the others either...
It was light entertainment, in the style of the first season, but not much more to be honest...
From Good to Great
Are you ready to take your miniature wargaming experience to the next
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