The first friday of the New Year, and that means it's time again to hop over to the club.
I hadn`t had any game planned myself, though Noshi quikcly found herself a spot on the Heroquest roleplaying table, while I filled up my game calendar for the coming weeks, arranging a heap of playdates.
The Dux campaign went on, as my own overlord David faced off against Arne, as he tried to raid the latters camp. It went all sour though, and our faction is currently in the corner where the punches roll.
A 2000k points battle of Warhammer 40.000 was going on, as my Nemesis tried (and eventually succeeded) to snatch his very first victory with the Iron Warriors, the Imperial Guard becoming the victims of this miracle.
More 40k went on, as Primaris Marines took on a gorgeously painted "pre heresy" colourscheme of Death Guard.
The 9th Age was played as well this evening, as 5 armies went head to head with each other.
Anachrony was played by the regular boardgame crew tonight.
In the meantime, painters of the AMSS and of TSA where working their brushstroke magic.
Using the homemade rules by Rudi, the Union and the Confederacy faced off against each other once again. Next week, I`ll be marching along them towards Dixie...
The cardboard counter wargame players continued their march along the Rhine.
Some Men wanted to be Kings as both forces clashed.
The Federation engages a new danger to the security of it's citizens...
A large Napoleonics battle took place as well this evening, as the lines marched towards each other.
In the meantime on the Eastern Front, the Russians engaged the Germans for the control of a vital railroad line.
One of our club sponsors had brought along a heap of boxed sets (I was to late to pick up some Perry ACW plastics, doh!) at nice discounts.
And that was in a nutshell the first friday evening of the year, with a lot of variation this time round in game systems and periods being played.
And Noshi... she is studying her rulebook now of the first GW purchase she made for herself... the Warhammer Shadespire boardgame...
From Good to Great
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