So yesterday evening I sat down and watched this DVD I picked up last week for a measly euro.
Part of some collection of all sorts of historical characters and battles (I watched the Napoleon one as well a while ago), it contains 6 documentaries of around 45 minutes each from History Channel.
You know, that channel that when animals could still talk actually aired documentaries instead of Storage wars, Luggage wars and more of those set-up find and sell treasure humbug all day long...
The first DVD contains two documentaries on the AWI, being one of the winter camp of Valley Forge and how George Washington made an army from his mob. The second one detail the "father of America" himself, from his humble beginnings to his presidential instatement.
The second DVD is one about 4 battles in the ACW, from the Civil War Battle series of History. Containing Shiloh, Antietam (with a great focus on Meagher of the Irish Brigade), the Wheatfield on day 2 of Gettysburg and finaly Cold Harbor.
While the AWI documentaries are a bit "bland" if you are looking on actual battle information, the ACW Wheatfield one was for me the gem of the set. Most tend to focus on the first moments of the battle, aka Bufford's heroic stand-off, or the very last, actually rather anti-climatic day with Pickett's doomed charge.
Not a bad buy at all for that money!
From Good to Great
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