Another movie I watched with Noshi the past week, neither of us had seen this animated film from 2014 before.
Yeah, we tend to miss out on some from time to time it seems... not often, but it happens.
Eggs is a baby taken away by Boxtrolls, a race of underground scavengers, when his father is threatened by the exterminator Archibald Snatcher. This last one uses the story to set up a ploy that if he is to exterminate all the trolls, he can join the city council and join in their cheese-eating parties (to which, ironically, he is very allergic).
When eggs best friend Fish gets captured, he sets out to save him and discovers not only the truth about his own past, but also Snatcher's plan. This spurs him into motion to avoid this coming to fruition...
It was a great and fun film (we laughed like hell when Eggs has to blend in at a high society party), though the sideways animation at times bothered me, my eye kept drawn to the way the mouths moved in this way. But this is greatly compensated by strong voice acting by Ben Kingsley, Simon Pegg, Nick Frost and others.
But that was just a minor remark in a very enjoyable lazy evening, watch from the bed Netflix film.
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