As I said last week, this weeks haul report is a few days earlier, being off to a Lego event all weekend and not going to have time sunday.
And as all the parcels I expected to arrive have fallen in the mailbox already this week... and I usually "close" the week on fridays, I can share the new additions already with you :-)
The first parcel this week was this limited edition Brickagram figure, as well as two tiles. I traded it for a Nexo Knight set and the shipping with Phil from Brickagram, and I have plans to add it to Quinnsville. The hamlet will be expanded one of these months with a `gambling den`, so what better then my favorite raffle master to be the propietor.
Another limited edition figure that arrived is this model by Bricksanity, which serves to support the cancer research. I know people suffering from that horrible disease, so I think this is money well spend to support the research for a possible cure.
I also received two small BrickLink orders, one with the yellow skinned Hermione, and one with (mostly Slitherin) torsos and some bits and pieces for my pirates, but apart from one fig that still needs to arrive my Expelliarmus! MOC is now ready with these additions.
I also went on a shopping trip with Chu to the town center this week, and I found some nice thingies there. the local Boekenvoordeel is running a DVD action of 1 + 1 free, and I found these two Ninjago series DVDs, 9.99 each. So I payed 9.99 for both, and picked up the latest instalment of books they carry as well, detailing micro build cities.
At the Standaard Boekenhandel, I managed to get the recent Star Wars encyclopedia, with "yellow" Tatooine Luke, and yes, I already have an idea to include that figure in a Pirate build for Quinnsville, in the plantation I`m going to add. And that parrot from the Friends magazine will be joining him hehehe
But the coolest addition arrived today
Why be Batman cool, when you can be Pirate Batman cool!
And that`s it, I`ll see you next week with a haul report that will be creaking at it`s seems, as I have a lot of people coming to the Lego event that are bringing stuff with them for me ;-)
wrath DavidB(80 points)
Wrath is this stop for Circle of Hell, it is also a chance to clear more
minis from the haphazard piles I have on my desk. To keep the post shorter,
I ...
1 uur geleden
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