As calm as last week was, so, errrm, not so calm this past week has been...
Because my custom ordered torsos arrived, 60 Star Trek TNG uniforms to go crazy in builds.
That`s 20 command, 20 engineer and 20 science to begin with :-)
I also picked up my VITA version of the new The Force Awakens game (the PS3 version went to the kid), which granted me a free polybag as well.
A BrickLink order, that included my dark tan 1x1 bricks, arrived as well this week, as such I managed to finish that mosaic earlier this week.
The final parcel is the new Ghostbusters car, whom I grabbed together with a small Nexo Knights set, so that I had access to all the limited time promos Lego ran from the 1st until the 9th this month.
So not a bad catch at all, not a bad catch...
Archaeology In The Lead Pile
Digging down through the various strata of *The Lead Pile* recently, I came
across several packs of horsemen for the 30mm ECW project. Now, there
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