A quick post, but it shows I`m still painting these days, albeit at very, very irregular intervals to show stuff. Painting leagues and social life makes it all a bit more planned wise, as well as the preperations for a Mordheim campaign that starts 2013.
And I might even stick to my promise to myself to actually prepare something in advance for the LPL next year (yeah right, as if) hehehe
Anyways the recent addition to my forces for Superhero gaming, which sadly we ain`t doing at all (blame the Creepy Corridor, damn you kung-fu Andy) are two of the members of the Avengers, Goliath (who was killed in the Civil War by the Thor android) and actor / superhero Wonderman.
I`m in a bit of a superhero paint craze in the few moments that I got spare between the entries for the Brush Slave League, so you`ll see some more over the comming weeks. Heroclix models are a blessing to paint in between as they don`t even need a cleaning and an undercoat, just a color by color overpaint with a highlight and a rebasing, and they are good to go for being man-handled on the gaming table.
From FrederickC - Star Wars characters and a Circle of Hell [Heresy] (35
For this submission I present two possible takes on the theme of Heresy.
Rather than risk having a special theme claim denied, I decided to fly my
48 minuten geleden
Hi thanks for sharing the information.