Yesterday, our nice Facebook group LCC (short for Lego Collector`s Club Belgie en Nederland) held it`s first official event.
Now, this group is ran by a lovely couple, Sophie and Gaetan, together with dutchmen Jeroen and `sales controller` Jaco. it has grown in the year since it`s founding to a 1000+ members, and we gathered in the Colmar restaurant in Antwerp for a lunch.
The whole event started off with a speech by the `chairlady` about the progress of the group of the year.
This was then followed by her husband taking the word about what we can expect in the following year, with ideas for future events and the likes.
Jaco then took a moment to bring some great news to Sophie. Someone had bought up one of the LCC exclusive Wall-E`s for his `collection`, then sold it at quadrupple price in another group. But the buyers where a collaboration by LCC members to bring the little build that was a GIFT back into the `family`.
We then moved to the foodstuffs, before doing the group activity.
This was another LCC build like the Wall-E we got at the AFOL Night back in October, and it contained the Poe X-Wing, in an even smaller version then the polybag edition. Really cute little thing if you ask me!
Another gift was a new customer card for Bricksworld Megastore, whose owner is also a member of the group. This saved us the trip to the Netherlands to have it registred, and you get a 10% discount wether buying in the physical store or on their website.
After the builds, it was dessert time (or for me, second desserts, I already attacked that buffet part before the building moment).
A jersey isn't just a glorified sweater. Or some sweaty uniform that gets worn during a game. Jerseys are much more than that — they're the tuxedo of geeks.
Worn all over the world, for any occasion, they demand attention. But something has always been missing from jerseys, a bit of je ne sais quoi, you might say.
So we moved on to the tombola (which is a fancy word for bingo) and every family obtained a price. I walked home with the Chima lot. I really dig this, okay so the playmat is something I perhaps have grown to old for, but the foilpack figure, the Chima promopack with it`s keychain and foil trading cards, the holosticker (already on my carry case as you read this) and the Icebite keychain are more then welcome for my collection.
And then there was a trading moment, the loot (Queen Anne, Armada flagship, etc etc) can be seen in yesterday`s Haul Report post on this blog as I had made some nice exchanges through the group.
Of course, there was also the limited edition event brick shown at the beginning, which now adorns my `brick badge` as well :-)
For me, the event was a great success. Since it was a casual get together and not the regular trade fairs and the likes, this meant you had actually time to do some nice chats and laughs in a relaxed atmosphere. And it is always fantastic to get together with like minded individuals to talk a bit about your hobby, your projects and the more without the intense pressure conventions tend to bring along.
Onwards to the next event!
Want to now more about LCC? Their website can be found HERE.
From ChristopherS: Confederate Cavalry (60 points)
This will be third submission to the challenge and my second cavalry. I
painted a union cavalry and now I'm adding a confederate to keep pace with
the u...
18 minuten geleden