Wargame Tournament, Campaign and League results
All top results of tournaments since restarting the hobby in 2017, as well as some of the older events I could trace back on my blogpage...
Tournaments Won:
08/04/2024: Warhammer Underworlds II @ Dragons Gaming Club - 1st place out of 8 participants - Elathain's Soulraid (WHU)
19/05/2024: Warhammer Underworlds Wintermaw with a Twist: GW Antwerpen: 1st place out of 2 participants - Elathain's Soulraid (WHU)
18/01/2025: The Mines of Alost: Warhammer Underworlds - Hermelijn Aalst: 1st place out of 8 participants - Garrek's Reavers (WHU)
Top 3 results Tournaments:
2002: Dices Day Leuven - 3rd Place - Emperor's Children (40k)
13th of october 2002: Overlord Tournament Antwerpen - 2nd place - Chaos Dwarves (WFB)
13th of february 2012: TSA Club Championship Fun Tournament - 3rd place out of 14 participants - Legion of Azgorh (WFB)
1st of July 2012: TSA Great Tournament for Small Armies 500pts - 3rd place out of 12 participants - Chaos Dwarves (WFB)
16th of June 2024: Into the Under-Ekeren I - TSA - 3rd place out of 8 participants - The Skinnerkin (WHU)
23rd of November 2024: Into the Under-Ekeren II - TSA Ekeren: 2nd place out of 5 participants - Dread Pageant (WHU)
16/03/2025 Warhammer Underworlds III @ Dragons Gaming Club: 2nd place out of 8 participants - Ironsoul's Condemnors (WHU)
Leagues Won:
Top 3 results Leagues:
2024 T3 National Tournament Ranking - Warhammer Underworlds: 2nd place out of 49 participants, 6.72 points
Campaigns won:
Top 3 results Campaigns:
August 2017 - June 2019: TSA Dux Britanniarum campaign - TSA Ekeren: 2nd place out of 11 participants - Romano British
Tomsche on Tour
In this next section of the page, I'm listing up all the Tournaments, Leagues and Campaigns I attended since the "reboot" into the hobby in 2017, and didn't end up in the "top" results above.
While this might be a short list to start out with, as I'm still gradually rolling into the whole events scene, I'm pretty sure it will be growing strong over the years to come! Individual events are marked in italics, while I put year rankings like T3 in bold.
2019 Age of the Power Armour: 1500 pts Warhammer 40k League - TSA Ekeren: 12th place out of 28 participants, Emperor's Children
23/02/2019 Warp Storm: 500 pts Warhammer 40k - GW Antwerpen: 6th place out of 6 participants, Emperor's Children
21/07/2019 Special MESBG Event: 450 pts Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game - De Kolonisten Turnhout: 9th out of 18 participants - Lothlorien
Flemish Hobbit League 2019: 29th place out of 40 participants, 44 points
02/02/2020 Escalation III: Warhammer Underworlds - The Playground Antwerpen: 10th place out of 12 participants - Zarbag's Gitz
2020 T3 National Tournament Ranking Belgium - Warhammer Underworlds: 22nd place out of 39 participants, 0.74 points
2020 T3 European Tournament Ranking - Warhammer Underworlds: 789th place out of 987 participants, 0.74 points
2021 T3 National Tournament Ranking Belgium - Warhammer Underworlds: 21st place out of 38 participants, 0.23 points
2021 T3 European Tournament Ranking - Warhammer Underworlds: 838th place out of 1016 participants, 0.23 points
2022 T3 National Tournament Ranking Belgium - Warhammer Underworlds: 22nd place out of 38 participants, 0.17 points
2022 T3 European Tournament Ranking - Warhammer Underworlds: 830th place out of 1015 participants, 0.17 points
29/10/2023 Hammer and Swords V: The Ninth Age: - TSA Ekeren: 13th place out of 20 participants - Infernal Dwarfs
25/11/2023 Casual Warhammer Underworlds Tournament: GW Antwerpen: 4th place out of 9 participants - Morgwaeth's Blade-coven
2023 T3 National Tournament Ranking - Warhammer Underworlds: 27th place out of 45 participants, 0.10 points
2023 T3 European Tournament Ranking - The Ninth Age: 59th place out of 238 participants, 3.80 points
2023 T3 European Tournament Ranking - Warhammer Underworlds: 843th place out of 1052 participants, 0.10 points
2023 T3 European Tournament Ranking - The Ninth Age: 670th place out of 1981 participants, 3.80 points
03/11/2024 Benelux Clash II: Warhammer Underworlds - Alblasserdam (NL): 8th place out of 18 participants - Elathain's Soulraid
November 2024 - Oktober 2025 TSA Blood Bowl League season 3 - TSA Ekeren: XXth place out of 13 participants - Chaos Dwarfs
08/12/2024 Spearhead Rumble @ De Kolonisten: Age of Sigmer Spearhead - Kolonisten Turnhout: 5th place out of 6 participants - Idoneth Deepkin
2024 T3 National Tournament Ranking - The Ninth Age: 58th place out of 237 participants, 2.14 points
2024 T3 National Tournament Ranking - Age of Sigmar Spearhead: 18th place out of 19 participants, 0.53 points
2024 T3 European Tournament Ranking - Warhammer Underworlds: 16th place out of 1112 participants, 6.72 points
2024 T3 European Tournament Ranking - The Ninth Age: 669th place out of 1985 participants, 2.14 points
2024 T3 European Tournament Ranking - Age of Sigmar Spearhead: 37th place out of 38 participants, 0.53 points
January - October 2025 TSA The Old World Escalation League - TSA Ekeren: XXth place out of 14 participants - Empire
01/06/2025 The Mines of Alost II - Warhammer Underworlds: XXth place out of XX participants - Cyreni's Razors
15/06/2025 Benelux Clash III: Warhammer Underworlds - Alblasserdam (NL): xxth place out of XX participants - Cyreni's Razors
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