It was that time of the year again, the Antwerp Convention was upon us. Taking along the GF and the Munchkin along this year, I was out with a modest shopping list: my goals where three Saint Seiya Myth Cloths: God Cloth Hyoga, and Gold Saints Aldebaran and Aiolios.
Together with some orders that Archonia would be bringing along, that would be the planned loot, but lets have a look at the convention... with the occasional comment placed in between.
The area for various contests and cosplay events. At 11 in the morning this place was quiet, and as we vacated the hall around 1300, it seemed that we went out right on time. Around 1400 they had thrown in some masses of attendees, and I read and heard it was a very busy affair then.
Robo Wars, the germans beat the dutch again...
North Korea snacks, didn`t get around to it this year though
Catwoman having a shake
Japanese slot machines, Evangelion style. You go Rei!
The two critters I like the most, Pikachu and Munchkin
Pacific Rim... wanna so see the movie, it`s time it`s July....
Every Star Wars fan worst upcomming nightmare...
Dirty Harry pinbal machine
Munchkin, whom i tend to call Smurf in the house, and his `family` hehehe
If you like, please place a vote for this very nice lady. It doesn`t hurt and it only takes a second. It basically translates for english followers that Michelle would love to become a Smurf Ambassador.
I learned GF likes Gizmo *scribbles down in notebook*
I don`t know much about Harry Potter, so this was the one stand GF and Munchkin outclassed me by a gazillion
Munchkin in full swing of expanding his arsenal. In the end he chose the Voldemort and the Bellatrix Vendetta wands.
Got the card, got my eye on a couple of T shirts...
I was SO tempted to haul along a series of KO original Dinobots...
Got me a small token of affection for the GF here, she didn`t notice me sneaking off teeheehee
Let`s go all Marty McFly...
Munchkin still has the living daylights scared out of him by this bloke. An evil plan has been forming to `Bleh` him when he was in his bed, but the GF stopped me...
Dutch Resident Evil players
R2 with a nifty gimmick, one of the panels opened to hand out candy to the little attendees
But this brings us to... THE LOOT
I didn`t find any of the three cloths I was after, but did get some great deals. Both Black Phoenix and Shun only costed me 30 euros each, a real bargain. Furthermore, Archonia brought along my orders, being Thetis the Mermaid, three more volumes of the Lost Canvas manga (in french) and the most recent Magic the Gathering comic. I also found a Kanon the Seadragon with the trader I always buy at at both AC and FACTS. The Gigurearts Kouga was added to the collection as well, as was a Lego book with limited edition Han Solo, topped off by a FREE illustrated book of Bilbo`s Last Song at Brugse Boekhandelaar.
That last one seemed to be handing out free books, as my GF bought two Rien Poortvliet `kabouter (leprechaun) books there out of youth sentiment, and got a free (big) book with it of Eragon`s world full of illustrations, the histories of elves, dwarfs etc etc.
I also got said token, not pictured, being a heart shaped pin of Tinkerbell, while the Munchkin walked away with his two wands. In the end, I haven`t even spend 200 euros for all my loot and the foodstuffsies, so i`ll call this a very well scored convention!!!!
WW2 - Taking Stock of the Soviets
I've started taking stock of all the Second World War forces I have and
reorganizing them for Bolt Action (Third Edition) - because that's what my
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