Yes, for the new year I stated I would be doing the Inspirational Lego posts more regularly and on mondays, unless something special happened. In that case, I would shift it to and fro in the dates, and as such, here it already happens, 9 days down the line hehehe.
The reason is pretty simple that I already bring this weeks entry on the friday instead of next monday: the MELO (Middle Earth Lego Olympics) round one has ended, and as such the qualifiers for the top 32 are known.
As I posted earlier today, I didn`t make the cut, but I did do way better then I ever dreamt off achieving.
So here are, without further ado, all 73 entries to this round, with their creators and scores as posted last night in the MOCPages group. Congratulations to all the entrants, it was a fun experience and now I can sit back and watch the eye candy for the coming rounds :-)
Rank - Name - Total Score
1. Captain Nemo: 56/60
2. Pieter Dennison: 55/60
3. Jrod Smith: 55/60
4. Andrew JN: 53/60
5. The Dunedain98: 53/60
6. ForlonEmpire: 53/60
7. Mark McPeek: 52/60
8. Vladimir van Hoek: 51/60
9. Zlotn K: 50/60
10. Jake Andrews: 50/60
11. Dodge: 50/60
12. P Andrei: 50/60
13. Kevin Moyer: 49/60
14. Professor B. 49/60
15. Graeme Steaughn: 48/60
16. A Sargent: 48/60
17. Joseph Olson: 48/60
18. Mate Paton: 48/60
19. Jacob Pennington: 46/60
20. Tim W: 46/60
21. Bane of Seaguls: 46/60
22. Micah the Fire-breathing Hobbit: 46/60
23. Trevor Turco: 46/60
24. Graham Gidman: 46/60
25. Caleb Walker: 45/60
26. John Smith: 44/60
27. Brick Madness: 43/60
28. Thomas: 42/60
29. Hildigrim Took: 42/60
30: Finn Tegotash: 42/60
31: Zach Lucia: 42/60
32. Ian Diller: 42/60
These are as such the 32 participants that have made it through the waddle of the Qualifier, great work to all. Round 2 will be announced soon, and that will mean a lot of new inspirationals to be seen, yayay.
And here are the rest of the brave souls that have entered the arena
33.Jared: 41/60
34. Reese Hawthorne: 41/60
35. gaudel thomas: 41/60
36. Noel Peterson: 40/60
37. Xander: 39/60
38. Fraser Robinson: 39/60
39. Saequis: 38/60
40. Clear Brick: 38/60
41. Mr. Unknown: 38/60
42. Drew Johnson: 38/40
43. Tomsche Murrath: 37/60
44. Jacob Syrpus: 37/60
45. Jamie Hampton: 37/60
46. Dominik the Builder: 37/60
47. Timothy Post: 36/60
48. The Royal Brick: 36/60
49. Max Spader: 36/60
50. = Nathaniel = : 36/60
51. Fjonin: 35/60
52. Matt Johannesen: 34/60
53. Ranger Cirion: 34/60
54. Noah: 33/60
55. Tureaglin Naugellon: 33/60
56. Benjamin Olson: 33/60
57. Ben Stansfield: 32/60
58. Andrew Alexander: 32/60
59. Theomatic king: 31/60
60. Benaiah N: 31/60
61. Adam Knorr: 31/60
62. J D: 30/60
63. Farkas Andor: 30/60
64. joseph remington: 29/60
65. Stephan Schumann: 29/60
66. jonnylegoboy: 29/60
67. Luc Johannesen: 28/60
68. ST M: 26/60
69. Shevik Anderson: 25/60
70. LEGO FAN: 25/60
71. Aaron L: 20/60
72. Quinn Beeson: 16/60
73. Nate B: 16/60
And there they are, all entries to this first round of the competition!
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