With BrickCon having past this weekend, a lot of great stuff has been showed to the world, and this one especially caught my eye: a Smurf village, including a lot of custom part figures, to make out what in my opinion is a great thing.
Now, I`m going to turn a grinning eye to a buddy of mine... if it is even allowed on BrickCon... *grin*
I also love the way Azrael and Gargamel are included in this build, staring through the hedge having seemingly and finally found the Smurf village.
The second thing I`m sharing with you all this week is this rendition of Mos Eisley, including a darn pretty Jabba`s Palace.
Next up, with all the hussle of Nexo Knights for 2016 and it`s steampunk era, how about this awesome clockwork mech? I know Lego would not do something like this, being hard to do and such, but it looks mightily awesome!
This one I LOVE. Not only do I like owls in real life, the Mouse Guard build of it is just awesome. I like those children`s books, and have the Kickstarter heads by Guy Himber as well, now to just do something with them in the future. So much to do, so little time...
Totally on another subject and size, is this WW2 microscale Tiger tank stalking the deserts of North Africa. I love how they put in the recognisable lines of the iconic german tank in such a small model.
This build from the Pirate days is well executed by the way they tackle the waterfront and all, adding that extra layer of detail to the build.
Benny`s Spaceship, in a `cleaned up` version as it would look if it had been designed by the AFOL`s that make most of the masterpieces that pass here every week.
Game of Thrones will never be an official Lego theme (violence, fraternicide, more boobs then in your regular adult movie) but that doesn`t stop people building and making characters for the setting, as here we have Cersei Lannister in minifig glory.
A pretty neat and clean build that past along in Andromeda`s Gates recently, is this Octan rendition of the moon landing. I also love how he did the little Earth for the background.
We end this week with a really innovative microscale build, with the discovery of the Easter Islands. The way those new studshooters are included for the typical statues there is just genius if you ask me!
And that is it for this week again, hope you enjoy the selection and see you next week!
From RaulM - AHPC XV Wrap up
I had a blast joining the challenge for the first time, it was a great
source of motivation! I've loved posting and getting great comments from
1 uur geleden
Zalig die smurfen!!! :-D