Ladies and Gentlemen, I got him! At last, and after his aftermarket value has been rising from x3 to x4, I managed to obtain R2-D2 in the UCS scale.
With thanks to a fellow BeLUG member who wanted to sell him `used complete` as he was loosing intrest in UCS scale.
There is a story to this little robot. Last year, I went with my 14 year old nephew to the Lego store, and we both wanted this set. Unfortunatly they only had one, so I had him buy it, thinking on returning the next week when he was back in stock... and he never returned. Since then, Humpty has been teasing me that I could have visitor rights to the set and all, but no more!
But let`s see what else I gathered this week, not including ofc the loot of Brick Mania which I showed yesterday already in the event report.
We started the week with perhaps the most important enveloppe of the week, as my 1500 each of transparent light and dark blue studs arrived, allowing me to finish the river plate I wanted to take along to Brick Mania Antwerp.
On tuesday, some feeling fu at a small local toystore yielded me 2 of the much wanted Hot Dog guys.
I also received an enveloppe that day with two minifigs I traded through Miniature Trading, containing another Hun Warrior for completing my cavalry regiment (more on that in a later post) and an Egyptian Warrior, whom I both exchanged for a s14 Squarefoot and a Wacky Witch.
Going to a `junk sale store`, I found this little classic for 0.82 cents. I still have to look if it is complete or if and what is missing, but it should be a good trading coin for the future.
I also received this very nice specialty set from the States, the Jurassic World Gate promo from TRU.
The final haul I did was when another fellow BeLUG member brought this along for me at BMA, the Mystery Van whom tends to go highly erratic in availability and such. He managed to get one when it was present, so bought it and we settled the bill past saturday for it.
A very good week in all, even if I wouldn`t had scored the R2 (which I knew I would, I had paid it in october already) there are some mighty fine gems in the hauling this week.
From FrederickC - Star Wars characters and a Circle of Hell [Heresy] (35
For this submission I present two possible takes on the theme of Heresy.
Rather than risk having a special theme claim denied, I decided to fly my
53 minuten geleden
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