Somewhere around this time last year, I said I would be following all those give aways and draws and whotnot's on YouTube, Facebook, etc etc... to see if I could get some free bricks my way.
Well, I started slacking after a month or three, so there haven`t been any winnings from that part.
Well, that`s not entirely true. I did win a build Poe Dameron set on a YouTube speedbuild channel, but before it ever got posted, the channel went down and Poe never came my way. Pity but heck, it didn't cost me anything at least.
What I did manage to do is some raffles at our club and outside, and get some stuff from there.
The first was at the LCC reunion last january, where my free raffle ticket yielded this Chima lot. The keychain, polybag et all are either build or in my collection, the holosticker is on my carry case, the DVD was handed out to the kid, and I parted with the playmat as that was like the only thing I didn`t have any real use for.
Next came Brick Mania Wetteren, and I took home a Carbon Freeze Chamber set. I already had that one (build report coming in 2017... backlog...) and parted it out for the parts, while trading the figures for some Tolkien figs.
Brick Mania Liege was a total winner. During an evening event game, I ended second and won this Wall-E Ideas set. Now, not my cup of tea though, I wanted to build it for a review when one of my friends found a Bag's End complete set and traded it with this one.
I also entered the raffle there, and won this box of parts. These are the sorts of things I like, as they went all directly into the relevant element boxes for my moccing efforts.
At the BeLUG clubday, I actually won a Lance's Mecha Horse, but a buddy of mine's kid had won a Star Wars set he already had, and we traded around. The set is currently on my shelf to build in the near future, as I need C-3PO and R2-D2 for a small group lay out project in 2017.
Same story goes for this Elves set at Brick Mania Antwerp. I had won that Technic go-kart, the purple orange one. A Technic fan however won this, and I proposed to trade as I love the Elves for the parts. It's still on my desk as we speak, as I can`t stop having the slide go while saying "whiiii".
The final winning came with the Eurobricks christmas raffle. I build the small Caradhras vignette for entering, as the theme was snow, and I came out with a C price. No idea what it will be as that will be after the new year.
Oh well, for 2017 I`m going to try and surf over YouTube and the likes a bit more dedicated, who knows what free bricks and figs I can add to my collection!
Bolt Action - Saving Squadron Commander Lord Flasheart!
For the second game Orion and I played on Tuesday, we returned to North
Africa and our campaign in Tunisia!
*Friday, 25 December 1942*
*An urgent mess...
13 uur geleden
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