Welcome all to another weekly oversight of stuff I obtained, and this week it's a big one, but not really an expensive one.
Because fleamarket season is in full swing, and some other bargains where found along the road as well...
It started last saturday with a booksale in the local church. I dropped by, not expecting much, but came home with a real treasure trove that knocked me back less then 8 euro.
I love this book on the middle ages, full of gorgeous colour plates, and at 1.50 a real bargain.
Both the Napoleon book and the Jane's, this one on WW1 ships, where 2 euro a piece.
I also picked up some novels, the Knights was 2 euro as well, and as such perhaps the most expensive "find", but the other two where from the bargain corner (as far as all the rest weren`t bargains already), knocking me back a mighty 20 cents a piece.
At the sunday fleamarket I picked up three DVD's, each one at a single euro a piece.
Now, the GF had to go to the hospital on wednesday for a few days of treatment, and I quickly passed by the local scale model store on monday to pick up some brushes to spend those lonely evenings, taking along an extra 000 and two 0 size brushes.
Talking the GF, she gave me this Hufflepuff coaster as the glass one I have makes to much noise according to her when I put the cup on it *sigh*
This arrived thursday by mail, and I`ll be doing a nostalgia post on it in a few days. I was strolling around eBay just having, well, a look, when I came across the old (and first) Empire book. It still holds a special place in my wargamer heart and career, but more on that soon.
Friday I passed by the local Games Workshop store for the new White Dwarf, and managed to snag last months as well. I had missed out on it as I just didn`t get in the vicinity. Ow, and some state troops, for something I`ll be talking about later today.
The final haul was something Patrick, owner of Pat's Celtic Cross, brought along for me on friday evening at the club, namely the SAGA rulebook (C&C contains the full basic and updated rules, so I tokk that one instead of the basic version) and expansion for my Irish warband. And some more Perry plastics for my Union army as well.
Not to shabby a haul at all, and I`ll be doing a lot of rulebook reading and regular reading as such these coming weeks ;-)
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