Ouch, that hurts...
My army is in shambles with this newest tome.
The new General`s Handbook is out, and with the new rules in pitched battles, the most frequent form of play over at TSA, it has wreaked havoc in my fledgling resurgent army of Order.
On the one hand, the points values of especcially my Daughters of Khaine part of the 1000 points force so far, has dropped by 40 points each for both units. And to make matters worse, the Daughters can no longer ally with the The Empire (Free Guild mostly) forces, even though I didn`t take any hits on the points values for them.
This results in that my army that bravely fought in the mega battle a few weeks ago, is now split right down the middle (well, 60 / 40 at least), and I`m going to have to up them both to 1000 if I want to field them at the club.
Now, for the Daughters, that is going to be as good as mission impossible to reach the 1000 points painted by New Year's eve, as this would mean an additional 30 Witch Elves should be added to the tally, bumping the army from 46 to 76 models, and I don`t even have that many.
The Empire is another matter. I have the models to get the now only 590 points strong force to 1000 and be able to field them once again. But I`m a bit torn here, and that is for the reason I wanted from the offset to build a Slaanesh force for Age of Sigmar.
Now checking points values in the new book, and with some "creative" placing of characters, I could field an, albeit Leader heavy for now, force of just over 800 points already, but the downside is... that not a single model of those have been painted yet. This is because the force would be a demonic Host of Slaanesh (my demons I was planning to add to my Emperor's Children, and the demon prince model I have lying ready would then become a Keeper of Secrets). This gives me not enough models for my favoured quantity is a quality style of play to my tastes though.
The force as such would be filled in with a quota of allies units that are allowed in the list, in the form of some Marauders and some Warriors, but the core I have lying around would only be 38 models strong, with about 180 points to play with and boost their ranks.
The thing that makes me doubt to either start the Slaanesh force, or expand and make the Empire operational again, is that in model count, both would consist of painting around 40 - 50 additional models. But the Empire force would then number around 100 models on the table...
Another thing that is making me in doubt is that starting 2018, at TSA an Age of Sigmar campaign would start, and the initial forces will consist of 1000 points. So I have to make the decision fast and focus on painting for that force, as it needs to be ready at the end of the year at the maximum. I wont put a single unpainted figure on the table, ever...
I`m actually coming to the point where I`m thinking of flipping a coin and see where it goes from there, but there is also the Mega Battle, probably again in the summer during 2018, to consider, and there I want to be on the side of Chaos with my purple force...
Guess I got some thinking to do, and probably will be painting for both (I fear the Daughters will get the cut for the moment and be placed at the side), and make a definite decision which to boost to the fullest half of october or so...
Time to get those brushes fired up it seems...
WSS: Battle of Münzkirchen - March 1703
Yesterday (Thursday) I hosted this little-known action; a *post from last
week* included some pictures of the initial set-up. My Zoom opponent was
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