zondag 19 januari 2025

The Haul Report 413: very cheap Runewars and Oathmark boxes obtained

 I love Runewars, and I love it even more they throw the boxes at your head for cheap prices.

Like at the Underworlds tournament in Aalst last week, where I got these boxes from Nico for cheap.

The lot contained 12 boxes, and I paid 60 euro for them.  Now, for five of them I don't have a use, so they will probably end up on my trade page for more budget (the Heavy Crossbows, Hawthorne, Oathsworn Cavalry, Carrion Lancers and Waigar command).  But the other ones will all find a use in either my Empire force or as models for solo games, while the two boxes of Rune Golems will go in my Chaos Dwarf army as more K'daai.


And as it was at a tournament where I recieved it, which I duly went on to win, I also obtained some participation gifts, a trophy, and used my 1st place voucher to get the Blood Bowl Chaos Dwarf cards.

And the store had whole piles of free White Dwarf magazines to just take along, so that's some nice reading to come. 

I also picked up some Vallejo paints while there...

But those weren't the only pile of boxes I obtained this period.  From a fellow TSA member, I got 6 boxes of Orc Infantry from the Oathmark line.  Now, one of those are for my own Chaos Dwarf force, the others I'm having a look at wether to keep a second one, or trade them for other infantry boxes that I might need.  And at 18 euro a box, who am I to complain after all?

Making use of the Whispel gardencentre post-christmas sale, I got a few small addition to my Efteling collection, in order to round out the small shelf, and paying 40% off the price.

Some more reinforcing came in for my Idoneth, as I obtained an Akhelian Taskmaster through Vinted in the past period.

I also grabbed this blister of Frostgrave beasties from Vinted, always nice to have once I return to the frozen city later this year.

From Games Workshop, my pre-order arrived, with the Arcane Journal of the Empire of Man now in my possession.

And to round it all off, I found a fantastic deal for a sealed Blood Bowl box and an additional team for it on Facebook, I'll definitly keep the humans but now at least I have the rulebook and markers.  The pitch, well, that is still in debate. 

The final little arrival this week are some movement tray / base adapters from Forges of Nuln on Etsy, and far better suited then the ones I once bought from Sarissa I must admit.  Now to paint them up and get the army ready for a tournament in april!

So that is a very impressive pile of fresh figures, and certainly will give me some more assembling occupation over at the office...

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