In order to take care of such important matter, Master Yoda himself joined commander Gree and his Clone Troopers for this very important mission, as the portal spit out wave after wave of ... germans! Reichsmen from eras past, present and future advanced towards the objective, and so we had to seek the must unlikely of allies.
Professor Schwiebel-Im-Arse, the very evil but not so mastermind undeadlord, and a philantrope called Doctor Virek and his companion Tiny Tim, who rode into the city in a luxurious and posh car...
As the troopers advanced towards the objective, both Tiny Tim and the car where quickly despatched and the doctor discovered a strange tomb emitting eerie chants... paralyzing part of his and professor Schwiebel`s followers.
The troops then arrived at the building of teh objective, and in a concetrated teamplay the leader of germans past was taken out, while the leader of germans present was forced to make a Moxie check...
Helga`s face tells everything of the result!
This meant that only the companion of the germans present and two his troopers entered the objective building together with doctor Virek. The last clone trooper had been shot down and Gree covered the line of advance should Helga find a second breast... I mean breath.
`Lie down the fuck they must`, Yoda murmured and bum rushed into the room full of suprised germans busy snapfiring at doctor Virek...
and the plucky of posture but giant of skill Jedi master single lightsabery secured the room! The german threat was stopped and the portal closed for all times. Or at least for the time bieng. Which may be only as long as next week...
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