The bane of almost every wargamer I know... focussed attention
So I launched an idea at my local games club group, the Far Side of the Galaxy @ Tin Soldiers of Antwerp, to run a variety of the infamous Tale of Four Gamers froms days past.
The set-up? Starting from May 1st untill October 31st, all participants take a `vow` to try and paint a FULL FIGHTING REGIMENT a month. But being a complete megalomaniac, I am opening this `mutual painting motivation` to other people as well (for the megalomania part, see my 10k visits post).
Now what are the things we will roughly describe as rules?
1. Every player participating has to run a blogspot blog. This isn`t for any commercial reasons or so, but this came from trying to get my clique into the 21st century.
2. Every player vows to try and paint a full regiment each month. Though it isn`t obliged to, it would be preferred that you take 28mm (or whomever size they are these days, you know what models I mean) as scale. The reason? Because those make impressive looking units all uniformed and ready for battle.
3. Though no minimum or maximum size of regiments are stated, it is the intention to paint actually fighting regiments. No-one can comment if you only do a 5 man skirmisher unit, but you know what we mean with regiments, wether they be Dacian spearmen, Chaos Knights, British Light Companies or a brood of Genestealers...
4. All participants need to post their entry on the LAST WEEKEND of each month. That way, it pops up on all participating blogs around the same time...
And that are like, all the rules...
Cool Idea, how do I get in?
Just leave a message down here as a reply, with your blogspot url, so I can link you in the list of participants which is following at the bottom of this post.
Okay, so I`m doing this, can I win something?
You betcha! You can win the satisfaction of having 6 fully regiments of your lead / metal / resin / plastic mountain painted up in only half a year. And isn`t that the greatest reward we all strife for, to have our models painted up?
The Participants aka The Heroes of the Brush
Società di archeologia e cimeli
Nelson`s Revenge
Creepy Corridor
The Amazing Adventures of Basileus Skratch
The Young Guns
Wargame News and Terrain
Ciao Ciao!
From: LeeH & RayR - A combined project round-up (and punch-up)
Ray and I got together yesterday to bring both sides of our Retreat from
Moscow project together in the Rejects Shed-o-War. Laid out on the table we
are mo...
3 uur geleden
Need it be blogspot? Does wordpress count?
BeantwoordenVerwijderenTechnically no, we settled (I) settled on blogspot for the peeps in my clubm to have em all together on the `blogs I visit` tool - so we could watch the others pop up, with other blog services they could get overlooked -, and to have a mild experience how this whole shaboodles works.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenBut for me, I`m fine with people wanting to use other services. In the end it`s all for ones own sake to get things painted up, it`s not a real `the winner gets it all` competition ofc
This will be indeed a very good motivation (and excuse) to get all those rank 'n' file models painted, maybe even some other strays! If this works out I think my lead mountain will cease to exist!
I'm in. Now time to finally order that ACW stuff and get started.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI'm game, but I'll do it with a little pulp twist!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenOfficially joined! I hope to crack out some units now!