Okay, so a strange turn of events, sheer luck and a low turn-out due to the GPQ Eindhoven, Tomorrowland and the first decent sunny sunday of this year`s summer made it happen that I found myself sitting on the finals table for the Top-8 Draft.
The played format today for the Grand Prix Trials in Antwerp to win byes for the GP Moscow was Sealed, and the top-8 did an additional draft with only prices to be gained there being 3 / 2 / 1 round byes for the top three.
I played the sealed with a White / Blue deck, which I was lucky to get Ajani in but nothing much else, this awesome Planeswalker card actually won me the second round.
For the Draft I went to `money drafting`, picking all rares, foils and uncommons that came by. Of the 8 players in the Draft, three where actually going to Moscow, and as I played a mate of mine in the KO phase I `threw` the game. Not that I would have won anyways, but heck.
So not a bad day, as I scored the booster price support for spot 8 in the Swiss phase, and 3 boosters draft, meaning I actually registry fee / booster costs broke perfectly even this time round.
The final result ended in an overall 6th spot, not to shabby for my first games in the M2013 set, and who knows, one day someday I might score some other decent result, though I doubt I`ll ever get to the results `palmares` of my warhammer days lol.
Hooptedoodle #476 - Macdonald Road Library (Leith Walk, Edinburgh)
I read recently that the public library in Macdonald Road was 120 years
old last year - I confess that I was rather surprised to learn that it is
still ...
3 uur geleden
Congrats my friend....