We're nearing the last phases of this gruelling challenge between Andy and myself, and what a month it was for me, feeling like it hopped on two legs.
I had taken it to myself to flare up one more time during october, and nail this thing once and for all, and for the first two weeks I actually did that in a serious ratio of trophies per hour. Until half the month something changed as you could read on this little blog thningy.
I moved my paints over...
This resulted in barely gaming at all those past two weeks, but almost painted 50 models in this limited timespan, and of course there was FACTS as well, another day I didn't game. But even without all that, I did manage to set a small record in this contest between two geeks, taking no less then 5 platinum trophies home this month and deeping out the lead.
Deciding the winner:
Less then a gap of 8400 is a
victory for me, more then 9000 points gap is a victory for Andy, and in
between those two extremes it becomes a draw
The oversight of gained spoils, updated after every monthly update post.
Last update: 30st of October 2013
Points: 62.160 + 4.155 points
Level: 17 - 77% + 52%
Platinum Trophies: 20 + 5
Gold Trophies: 168 + 16
Silver Trophies: 468 + 26
Bronze Trophies: 1960 + 69
Games played: 349 + 14
Games Beaten: 46 + 6
Points: 57.825 + 1.575 points
Level: 17 - 22% + 19%
Platinum Trophies: 16 + 0
Gold Trophies: 152 + 4
Silver Trophies: 431 + 8
Bronze Trophies: 1889 + 75
Games played: 234 + 9
Games Beaten: 34 + 0
This means Andy starts the year with a lead of 8670 points, currently the gap is - 4335 (WIN TOMSCHE)
All in all, I think I can be rather certain of victory now, with only 62 days remaining and a lead of 14335 points that he has to make up in order to win, this resulting in him having to outplay me by a margin of 235 points each and every day now.
Analysing the above numbers, it is clear I have been rounding up games I had been playing before to Platinum status, only History: Legends of War - Patton was started from scratch to platinum this month, the other 4 (Vita The Walking Dead and Wonderbook: Book of Spells both needed a chapter still done, while Vita Batman and Dynasty Warriors 6 only each needed a single remaining gold trophy) as Andy even outscored me on the Bronze trophy number.
I did outscore him on the rest, and especcially on 'new games', but this is mainly due to having cleaned up the PS recently and install a lot of PS+ free games I haven't tried and played yet before they all rotate out, as well as some small indy games I threw on the Vita for those 15 mins in between watching paint dry...
I know he is going for the Walking Dead Vita platinum like I got last month, so Andy should be getting some points there, and as I estimate for myself that until the release of Saint Seiya Brave Soldiers 'somewhere' during november (different sources speak of anywhere between the 1st and the 26th) I won't be netting much, he can cover ground.
Nevertheless, Andy wants to meet up comming saturday at Crisis, so that is a whole day he can walk in my glorified radiance of no-life gamergeekness ;-)
WW2 Gurkhas
While taking stock of the Chindits and Gurkhas the other day, I realized
the only thing I had to finish that collection (and have another army at
1000 po...
4 uur geleden
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