People who know me, know I like `the good life`. I didn`t get my athletic cathedral of a body (oi, Sumo wrestlers are athletes too!) by a diet of salads and water. No, I like the better dining experience.
People who know me very well, aslo know I did cooking school, but even though I graduated, it was during that year that my psoriasis broke out on my hands and I could kiss a career in cooking farewell, but that does mean I have some knowledge of `the french cuisine`.
So it was that today, the GF and me went to a restaurant called Hofstraat 24, in well, errm, the Hofstraat in Antwerp. We had received a `Bistonomie` giftvoucher at out b-day party, and this restaurant offered a lunch menu, so of we went.
The kitchen served there is labelled as `what you see is what you get`, no fancy hankypanky tricksies and such, just pure and decent food... and after the meal, I can only agree.
Located in a historical building near the Grote Markt (the central place of the city of Antwerp), the interior is divided in two. On the one hand there is a classic interior room with heavy chandeliers and classic paintings, on the other hand a very lightfull glassroofed room with modern art. We opted for the former.
The lunch selection we could choose from was for the starter either salmon or bellypork, I opted for the pork, the GF for the fish. Both where exquisite in taste, and i`m pretty sure the salmon was first `cooked` in lemon juice before going under the salamander for a cripsy finish. My pork was nice and crispy, no hard fatties at all.
Main course wise, we both chose the plaice with fresh tartar, some salad and thick fries. The other option was rabbit with prumes, but that is more of a wintery dish for myself. After filetting both mine and her fish, and it was a big piece of fish we both got, we really enjoyed this in essence simple, but very delightfull meal.
For deserts, we took the Creme Brule. The voucher allowed for coffee or desert, but we just took both, and in all fairness I must say they charged the coffee and not the desert, whom ofc was a bit more expensive then a coffee.
Together with half a liter of sparkling water for the GF, and a Coke Zero for me, we had to pay a grand total of 17 euros due to the voucher, and studying the map outdoors, the plaice was a genuine main dish (normally at 22 euros), while the starters where a bit of stripped down ones from their normally big starters. So all in all, that voucher is worth around 60 to 70 euros and is more then recommended to get there.
Even without a voucher.
But the only small minus point for me was the coffee. I like it waaaaaay more stronger hehe, but that is just a matter of taste and not a breaker on this excellent experience at all!
Bolt Action - Saving Squadron Commander Lord Flasheart!
For the second game Orion and I played on Tuesday, we returned to North
Africa and our campaign in Tunisia!
*Friday, 25 December 1942*
*An urgent mess...
15 uur geleden
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