Chima Legendary Beasts. They might not have really taken off in retail (I bought only a wolf once, the one featured in the lil` red riding hood moc last week), but they aren`t that expensive actually, and contain nice parts in nice colours.
When `Kruidvat`, a local grossery chain store, had an action consisting of all their toys at `Buy One, get one at half price`, I emptied their shelf of these beasts. Costing there 8 euros for a box, this meant the effective cost would drop to 6 euros a piece. I managed to pick up 5 of these Crocodiles together with a Lion and another Wolf, and to get to an even number for the discount, also a small Friends set.
Set 70126 contains around 120 parts, divided amongst two plastic bags in the small box, a decal sheet and an instruction booklet. It comes with the crocodile prince Cragger, so at 5 now in my collection, I`m definitly going to be building `something` with a unit of croc troopers, but that is for the far future.
More of import to this AFOL is the selection of dark and olive green parts... as such, I will not be adding the decals because once the build is done and the pictures have been put up right here on this page you`re reading now, the beast will be set apart to also feature in a Moc someday like the wolf did. Bar that, I rarely do decals, as most sets gets build once for the experience and if it aren`t sets I buy for display like Lord of the Rings, get disassembled again and parted out for future builds.
We start with putting the base together of the front section of the crocodile.
This includes a nice tongue printed tile, and a connection part to attach the hind quarters to.
That section is the next part we put together, before attaching it to the the front body and we get the `core` of the crocodile build.
The body then starts to be dressed up to create it`s mass and bulk.
The feet are simple yet effective builds, including `armoured teeth` on the front legs and then attached to the bodywork.
Next is the tail, a pretty simple affair.
This element I didn`t even possess in my collection, a single stud teeth. I only had two and three wides without the angle. I`m sure I`m going to be able to use that in a variety of ways.
That is attached to a red plate and some additional bricks to start building up the upper jaw and the head.
The head comes with another superbly usefull printed tile in the form of the eye.
The jaws are then put together and we see the beast packs quite a bite.
The saddle and rider location is a very simple affair, which will make it easy as well to remove it again afterwards.
And so Cragger is ready to march to battle atop his big croc...
Like all the smaller sets, this isn`t a very technical challenging build, but it does look rather fantastic for use as an animal in the future, definitly worth it`s (reduced) price!
And I definilty ain`t complaining of the extra pieces, including one of the printed eye parts...
That`s it for this beastie build, the others will get their turn as well someday in the near future, but for now I`m waiting for the Lego dude to deliver a `small` parcel...
From ByronM - Challenge 15 sign off post
Well, I made it to the end of yet another Painting Challenge, even if I
didn't meet my target points. This year was a lot of fun, and I finally
felt go...
3 uur geleden
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