Now with most of the new first half of the year sets `out there`, and we have a good idea of what our beloved company is going to be sending our way, it`s time for me to reflect on these and make up my `wish list` of sets for the coming year.
And I must say, since there is no more Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit (unless Minas Tirith passes the Lego Ideas review phase), there are no really big sets on the list that are drawing my attention.
1. The MUST have sets
First and foremost, there is this little Chima set that is going to come out, containing 3 minifigures and a few bits and pieces. But they are POLAR BEARS and they are the regiment I talked about of building in my Mitgardian army post earlier.
They just look awesome, and to complete the regiment, I`m aiming at about 7 to 8 of these nice little boxed sets, who will be retailing around the 10 euro mark.
The second set high on my list, even though completely unrelated to my `niche`, is the small DC set coming out in 2015. Finally, a Green Lantern minifig will be released to the general populace, making him no longer only available as a very expensive SDCC exclusive of a few years ago. Now if they only brought out a generic black suited Spidey as well...
The third will be a single minifigure from the upcoming Simpsons series 2 around the summer months, as Comic Book Store Guy will be included.
2. The intresting, I might get them sets
These are the kind of sets I don`t tend to buy `per se`, until they start appearing at outlet stores, or during promotions.
Another set from Chima for regimental building like the Polar Bears, the Sabretooth set is also intresting, yet less highly on my priority list. I might get one or two left or right though for a smaller unit in my force.
From the new Elves, there is this niftly little set. It features a great part selection, and the squirrel is to cute not to use in some MoC`s.
The same goes for this set from the Disney Princesses range. If I find it marked down, I might pick it up as it has a great part selection.
Talking cute, the newest wave of Friends `Pet polybags` has this one with a rabbit family. Retailing usually around the 4 to 5 euro mark, one or two might be picked up left or right, probably to round out a mail order and validate for free shipping or such.
The final pieces of `I might` are from the newest Mixels wave, and especially the `night creatures` sets. These come not only, like almost all mixels, with a heap of good uncommon elements for their cheap pricing, the particular sets also come with a bunch of glow-in-the-dark parts.
3. The Mainstay set
That one set you tend to buy multiples off because it is readily available. Last year, this was the Vadry`s Ice Glider set, I bought a total of 5 during the year, just for the parts. You also have that 15 to 20 euros set that is intresting if you look over all the ranges, if only for the elements included in the box.
I usually select one of the cheaper sets for this, as birthdays, christmas and what not`s tend to yield you a range of gift vouchers for various (toy) stores, and to have a clear mind of what they might be selling even in a basic store selection, saves a lot of headaches.
This year, that will definitly be the `green bird` Creator set, LOTS of basic green parts, and the Creator range is dead cheap compared to other ranges...
So as you can see for the first releases (still no idea on the Marvel and Jurrasic ones though, and who knows what Lego might come up with for the second half of 2015, or from Ideas), there aren`t any big must haves on my list, and I can be focussing exclusively on my MoCs and Tolkien collection for the first 5 - 6 months :-)
From ByronM - Challenge 15 sign off post
Well, I made it to the end of yet another Painting Challenge, even if I
didn't meet my target points. This year was a lot of fun, and I finally
felt go...
4 uur geleden
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