Panzers Arrive!
I went on a bit of a spree a few weeks back, ordering stuff from a few
different places. The three Italeri Panzer IIIs I ordered arrived today...
Panzer ...
Romancing the Romans
A Headless Body Production
*Venue*: Eisenhower Hotel
*Event*: Cold Wars, 2025
*Theme*: Classic Age, 6 mounted units maximum, Round 3
*Players*: Phil Gard...
Games of a Feather...
...Group Together.
When *WSS' Great Wargaming Survey* respondents are asked to list their Top
3 wargaming periods (see *Wargaming Period Preference*), the...
Charles Creed - links restored
It came to my notice that a post I put up here in May 2011 was no longer
working, since the video links had expired. I believe I have now repaired
the o...
I is for…
…Intellect Devourers!
I forget why I painted these, as I don’t think I have a pressing need for
them in the family D&D campaign, but it may well be beca...
A Great Weekend of Gaming
My younger mate Mark came over to stay for an annual gaming weekend this
week. We have been doing this for a few years now, Mark and his wife Kate,
Mrs Fanshaw’s hat
I’m spending way too much time doomscrolling at the moment and sadly this
has induced the grey chicken of despair to resume pecking away at the old
Fantastic Scuffles - playtesters wanted
*Fantastic Scuffles* is the forthcoming skirmish game from Irregular Wars.
Infusing the core mechanics of *Devilry Afoot *with the 'play your fantasy'
Midgard - Heroic Battles
Short post about my favouritr wargaming rules for the moment, Midgard -
Heroic Battles by James Morris.
I am not totally objective as I been involved in...
Hobby year 2024 in retrospect and plans for 2025
Another very active hobby year gone by
Song (ASOIAF) continues to dominate "what I play", even if it dropped by
some 20 games palyes compared to 2023, i...
A small vignette I did today (yeah, I know, I should have done it last week and take it along to the convention) is this Pokemon scene.
When the Pokemon GO hype was reaching it's highpoint last summer, released some great beasties as well as minifigure of Ash.
Now, being of "that generation" and back then having a GF who even at her early 20s was totally into Pikachu, I can say I already enjoyed the Game Boy games before the cartoon was cool.
So I wanted to make this small scene with the brickprinted Pikachu, and a poor little Venonat who tried to hide in the tall grass (Game Boy players will get this reference).
One Thunderbolt later, and that Pokeball can be held at the ready to catch the little bug Pokemon, slightly roasted ;-)
Another week and another great selection of builds found on the internet.
After a tiring weekend, it`s time to give the brain some calm and cool, and for that, I picked another 10 builds that might fire the creative mind.
First of all, we have this awesome Persian market, which was featured in Guild of Historca a while ago. I love the use of the Star Wars planet pieces for the domes.
Next, we have a scene from the Disney ride Ratatouille.
Titus, a fellow BeLUG member, build this excellent carrack for Brethren of the Brick Seas.
This Soundwave build looks like it stepped right out of the G1 cartoon, ready to release his casette subordinates.
TR8-R is perhaps the most famous Stormtrooper in the whole Star Wars canon, as he faced off Finn wielding a lightsaber with his electro batton.
This rendition of the city of Dale looks lively, before Smaug came...
A great scene here, as this wizard summons and Earth Elemental to do his bidding.
The savannah looks just as real as the elephants wandering in the sunset.
Classic Space returns to this week's oversight, but this time, it's with a base in micro scale.
The final build this week is a small vignette from Harry Potter, as Hagrid`s forbidden pet, Norbert the Dragon, hatches from his egg.
And that's it again, another great selection of builds and until next week for more gorgeous builds!
And so the winterstop is officially over, as I went off to the first convention of the year!
Comic Con Brussels was the destination, held in Tour and Taxis for it's second edition, and what a great show it was!
Now, I have to appologise for the pictures, I`m not quite used to the settings and all of the new cellphone, and as a result, most of the pictures are rubbish :-(
But we had a blast, from arriving at the venue on the early saturday morning, to the breaking down at the end of the sunday. We had some lovely neighbouring stands, though the Letzemberger Ghostbusters will be in my head for a variety of reasons tonight (Saving the daaaay, saaaaving the daaay...)...
The convention was of course stocked with great cosplays:
And had some very lovely displays in the Fan Dome.
Celebrities where present as well, oncluding the one and only Sam Jones, aka Flash Gordon. Of course you will find him in my loot video below, this was one autograph I couldn`t pass on!!
Our LUG had a lovely stand as well, including the debut of Hans's "Eleven" mosaic from Stranger Things amongst other excellent builds, check them out on this little video:
Other activities included workshops, like this one about YouTube, as well as lightsaber games (to the soundtrack of Star Trek no less). Some kids really took it by heart...
There was a variety of catering (some had impressive, but moving, lines) including the "Haute Dogs" by Belgian TV Chef Jeroen Meeus franchise restaurants Wurst. Though in all honesty, I`ll keep taking my dogswith mustard and sauerkraut in the future.
But for me the nostalgic headlight of the show was the concert by Bernard Minet, who like, sang all the entry themes at Club Dorothee of all my favorite shows back in the 80s, going from Liveman all the way to Saint Seiya.
The Loot:
Well, I collected a LOT of signatures this convention, and here they are in all their glory:
Apart from that, I picked up a small stack of comics in a bargain bin (I wanted the Excalibur ones, so had to take some others to go with it) for 5 euro and that`s it.
Well... almost... because there is still that special event brick of course to go on the brick badge :-)
I want to thank my team, consisting of Hans, Wilfried, Chris and John for the efforts they put in on this weekend, and I HOPE that I didn`t fail them as "team leader ad interim".
And now, the countdown begins to the next event, which will be for me Brick Mania Wetteren.