Jean-Luc is back in his remaining life as a synthetic life-form, or at least partial, after the final events of season 1.
And the Federation seems getting back on track in the aftermath of the Borg artifact and recognition of said synthetic lifeforms.
While he enjoys his life at his wine chateau, he struggles with his feelings for his Romulan friend Laris, trying to supress feelings of love. In the meanwhile, Rios has become the captain of the brand new Stargazer, a vessel with a legacy for Picard. When send out to investigate a spatial anomaly, Picard is called in as the anomaly wants to talk personally to him.
It turns out to be the Borg themselves, and a new queen starts taking over the fleet, forcing the Stargazer to self destruct. But Picard suddenly finds himself back home, as Q intervened and rewrote time. As a result, the galaxy became a Mirror universe like distopian nightmare, with the Confederacy conquering one after another civilisation. Picard collects his companions also stuck here, and together with a Borg queen's assistance travel back to 2024 to try and set things right.
But they lose Elnor on the way there, as he is shot and dies after the slingshot effect. In 2024, they have to search for the Watcher, and Picard finds Guinan to help him in this search, while Jurati tries to merge with the Borg Queen to get the location of the Watcher that way.
Rios, Seven and Rafi go into Los Angeles, but Rios gets injured upon arrival and finds himself arrested by immigration after being treated in a public clinic. He is set for deportation, but his friends set out to rescue him. Picard in the meantime finds the Watcher, looking a lot like Laris, and learns that the event Q is about to alter is actually the Europa space mission, and the involvement of Picard's ancestor, Renee Picard.
But Q itself also has some tricks up his sleeve, as he contacts doctor Soong, helping him out with illegal genetic procedures to try and cure his ailing daughter.
After a failed attempt at his ancestors life at the gala, Picard gets stuck in his memories, and Talinn goes in to free him. Rafi and Seven discover in the meantime that the Queen has influenced Jurati, and taken over her body. While she roams the city to build up power, Picard faces his past and seeks the help of Guinan to summon Q. But instead, the FBI come in and arrest him as they saw him materialize. During the interrogation, Q appears before Guinan, and she learns he is dying, and all Q are stuck in the past.
Soong is faced by his daughter, who learned she is nothing more then a genetical experiment. He is recruited by the Borg Queen to try and take La Sirenna, and remove Picard, but as she is about to succeed Jurati manages to convince her to merge into something new and maybe manage to change the Borg in the future, as they take off in the ship. But Soong wants to prevent the Europa mission, to create a future where he left behind a legacy, no matter how grim it might turn out to be.

They manage to prevent him stopping the launch, but at the cost of Talinn's life, leaving him behind a broken man while his daughter Corey is recruited to the Travellers by Wesley Crusher. Q returns all of them bar Rios to the future, who stays behind with the love he found there. They return moments before the self destruct, but deduct the Borg queen is actually Agnes, and she seeks them out to use the fleet and stop a quadrant destroying galactic event from happening. With the event stopped, Picard returns to his Chateau, and gives in to his feelings for Laris.
Not a bad series at all, giving of a vibe that makes it a mixture between The Voyage Home and First Contact, making for a nice adventure. Though I can`t stop to feel for the agents of the Temporal Agency, because the amount of infringements against the Temporal Directive...