This unfortunatly means all hobby related things are `on hold` for about three weeks counting in revalidation afterwards, and the comming week which I will be spending horizontal and resting, taking an antibiotics treatment to get some kind of infection under control. All pretty medical terms and they lost me after the first sentence anyways, so I`m just doing as prescribed... lying down and surfing the internet...
But a tat of good news made me all cheerfull, as 2012 seems to be the big Saint Seiya year, with no less then two new series on the line, the third season of Lost Canvas heading our way, a movie and as such a whole lot of possible new myth cloths. Okay, that last one might not be appreciated by my wallet then...
First of all, there is a CGI movie heading our way, a poster has already been released, and I must say Seiya looks awesome in it. And since it can`t get any worse then the Heaven - Ouverture anyways...

Second is a bit of a mixed feeling, a new series titled `Omega` that handles the next generation of bronze saints, 25 years after the original storyline. Seiya will be featured as the new gold Sagitarius saint, as will Saori still be Athena. It seems to be drawn more kiddie style to reach a new and young audience, but it doesn`t have to be a bad thing at all. Gundam AGE was drawn in a `Naruto / Digimon etc etc` style as well, and Dragonball always had that kind of animation, and it certainly isn`t a bad series.
I do have some questions though with the Eagle saint now having become bronze instead of silver in class, and the all `magical popsy wopsy girl` look of the armour... those wings are just eeergh. Main antagonists will be a new Pegasus, his brother Lionet, the Wolf saint, the Eagle saint (as stated, demoted in rank for some reason?), the Dragon saint and the Orion Saint (the last one will possibly be a silver saint still though).
Let`s wait and see here then.

A third announcement was by Toei Brazil, in that they are going to animate the Episode G series. This I look forward to in fact, as it handles of the `our generation` Gold Saints in their war against the Titans before the Sanctuary arc began. Deathmask returns teeheeheee....
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