It has happened. The Playstation 4 was announced about a month ago and about 4 years before it's planned date (remember the ps3 initial 10 year plan), and slowly things are getting cleared up a bit.
For one, the console will not be compatible with the older system games, BUT all kinds of older games will be downloadable.
Which still raises my question, will our PS3 save games, whom are stored on the online services of Sony for one, carry over or even keep excisting... I'm going to have find instalments to put the consoles side to side then...
Now, this does affect my take on the Playstation Challenge a bit. I'm for one now instead of trying to grind game x or y to platinum and such, going to be completing the longer taking J-RPGs I have in my possession, and I'll see how far I am afterwards to look towards grinding more trophees. Though I am going for the X-men platinum first though, it is at two (very irritating) boss fights away of full completion and 'beatage'.
At the moment, that means I'm mostly playing Ragnarrok Odyssey on the Vita and Tales of Grace F on the PS3. Unfortunatly, those games have 'very hard' to 'near impossible' ratings on most trophy websites, mainly due to the fact that the storylines alone tend to take up 120+ gaming hours.
Another thing I'm gonna stop is, bar two pre-orders I still have open for the PS3, buying more games for the trusted PS3 for now. When the 4 is out to play (which in europe should be 1st quarter of 2014) the prices are going to plummet anyways on them.
Okay, so I might be losing out on Andy the comming months, and he is already spanking my ass big time this month, but it might be do-able to strike back hard time around september for the last quarter, when it's all mopping up and grinding to go. Who knows, I'll just have to hope the gap won't be to big by then...
But now I got to go back to smacking thousands of monsters and pray I die 100 times in the process for that trophy...
Archaeology In The Lead Pile
Digging down through the various strata of *The Lead Pile* recently, I came
across several packs of horsemen for the 30mm ECW project. Now, there
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