A bit later then usual as the game master had RL things to do, but the MCRA results from last month have been released.
And once more, the Green Dragon delivered in it`s sheer luck, having nearly been caught, then saved and made off with a Golden Voyage, guaranteeing enough income for the next phases in Quinnsville`s development.
Kings Port Advertiser and Ship List
New Terra’s most reliable source for shipping news.
May 616. VOL 1 ISSUE 4
Editor’s Column.
Well, this month has been one of the most active for
shipping losses due to combat. It seems that both the Oleon and
Corrington Navy have been depleted through routine trade convoying. The
amount of active pirates seemed higher than normal, and the rumor is
that the Pennington and Pennington Insurance Company in Corrington may
start charging double for ships traveling the far seas. That being
said, the Oleanders pulled off a coup in shipping this month – despite
catastrophic losses the last two months, they are now New Terra’s top
shippers. Corrington beware! But perhaps both should take a cue from
the Eslandolan sailors this month, who seemed to take care of pirates
and trade in relative peace. Although none of the major pirates
like Bloody Bill seemed to find an Eslandolan ship this month – perhaps
they bribed the pirate lords? Perhaps one of the navies of the major
powers should take on a punitive mission against one of these threats to
teach them a lesson?
A New King in Oleon! We wish him the best, he is
going to need it with his cousin claiming the throne. Hopefully that bad
blood does not deteriorate their relations. Of course, it is well known
that the King of Oleon rather befriend Sea Rats than a Eslandolan these
Tips and News:
Breshaun Served by Corlanders!!!
The famed Quick Wing convoy delivered building supplies from this port
to Breshaun, and they were met with high selling prices and the smiles
of their former enemy’s citizenry.
Ilse de Romantica – A new kingdom. Lord
Prio, formerly of this island, has claimed Independence from Mardier.
With help from the crews of the Corland Supplier, Peregrine, Alexander,
La Espada, Wight Spider, Golden Star, Small Fishin Boat, White Skull,
and HMS Isandlwana Prio was able to eliminate the natives of the
island. However, his new fiefdom is now divided between about 80 of
his supporters and members of Corrington, Sea Rats, Eslandola, and a few
from Oleon. Even though Prio has paid these mercenaries well, and
given them one FREE Medium Residence plot, there is talk of trying to
sway the island towards one of the larger nations. Time will tell what
will happen here, as Prio has the strongest hold, but Corrington and the
Sea Rats have a lot of strength on the island, and Eslandola is not too
far behind.
Ship building materials needed in Eltina.
Merfin de’Marc, the son of the famous shipbuilder in Oleon has decided
to attempt to build a new shipyard on Lebellan. To do this, he needs
lumber in vast quantities delivered to the island from New Terra’s most
promising forests. He will pay top dollar for good wood.
This month we have many tales of naval glory to tell, so we will not be able to tell them all.
Off the coast of Nova Terreli: Black
Marlin Attacked by Garvey Privateer Flotilla under Admiral Mercedes, a
three ship flotilla caught the little Coyle Co. trader, and almost had
her taken when her escorts showed up. The HMS Mars was immediately disabled by the 5A “Hunter,” Merdedes’ flagship, but the HMS Pandora was able to defeat the “Catfish” and capture her, then turn on the Hunter and force her to surrender in a nasty gunnery duel. The last ship of the fleet, Alacante
boarded the HMS Friends Forever, but was repelled and managed to get
away. Why has Garvey allowed its fleets to pirate at will? Maybe
Corrington should manage a reprisal.
In nearly the same location, the Fairmont came under attack by the pirate LeColeon and his two ship squadron. LeColeon was able to trip the Fairmont’s escort, HRS Eltina into engaging his smaller vessel, a class 1A, and while the flotilla was engaged, LeColeon boarded Eltina and
took here. He then sailed off with the his flagship and the Oleon
Warship. In an unrelated battle, the pirate Montroy took the Meteor in
the same area a few days later.
Off the coast of Terraversa: Mardier
Privateers attack Corrington fleet! Perhaps an Oleander payoff is to
blame for all of these attacks on Corrington? The HMS Green Dragon was
caught by Captain Vanderdank and his fleet (a 5A and a 4A), The HMS Mars
is forced to strike its colors to Vanderdank’s flagship Death’s
Jubilee. The HMS Pandora captures the Mardier’s Misfit, while the HMS
Friends Forever took Death’s Jubilee, and HMS Pandora chased down the
Mars and recaptured her. It was a close call this time, but the Mars
would not stay as lucky.
A day later the Raenette II was attacked and
defended by the HMS Paradise by pirate Phillip Black, and in a separate
attack the Raenette was attacked by Bloody Bonnie, who was warded off by
HMS Lover’s Quarrel.
Off the coast of Eslandola: The now infamous pirate Harrison Torn and his two ships attack the Oleon Trade fleet. They catch Revenant, and in an attempt to take her back, the HRS Granoleon takes on Torn’s flagship “Soldier of Fortune”
but Torn, a former Corrington naval officer, overpowered the veteran
crew of the Granoleon. The Zephyr and Starliner held off and then
captured Torn’s second ship the Defender of Bastion,
but Torn got away with his two prizes. A few days later, near the same
location the HRS Breshaun captured a smaller war vessel, but none of
its crew will talk about who they are or where they are from. The
Galaxie took the pirate “Portrait of the King” the next day.
Farther south: Carno Privateer El Matador attacked a
flotilla of Oleon Merchants, now without their escort. They fought
bravely, but the Fairmont and Torino were taken by the Privateer. The
Empty Barrel was able to escape. In the same vicinity the pirate “Blind
Jack” attacked the Dancing Dogfish, but her escort the HMS Whisper was
able to force the pirate to surrender.
Off the Coast of LeBellan, Ghosts from the Past Attack Corrington!:
The former HMS Mermaid, now the Black Mermaid, captained by pirate lord
Trevor Maskord, found its old convoy partner the HMS Queen’s Glory.
Maskord, a disgraced Corrington naval captain, looking for revenge
attacked the trade flotilla. His men boarded the escort, and took the
Queen’s Glory after one of the bloodiest battles in years. His
lieutenant, Phillip Greyskar put to death the whole crew of the royal
ship in sight of the merchant flotilla. Then, without asking for
surrender, the Black Mermaid turned its guns on the flotilla that
consisted of the HMS Otter, The Morning Rose, and the Nightingale, and
reduced it to timbers. A few of the survivors were picked up by the HMS
Whisper the next day.
L’Olius not as lucky this time!: L’Olius and his
fleet of pirate dogges found a Corrington trade flotilla and attempted
to claim it. This time, Captain Jack Hart of the HMS Paradise was
able to hold off the pirate fleet long enough for his merchant flotilla
to get into a battle line – unfortunately this led to the Paradise
taking too much damage, and it was sunk before the battle line could
reach it, Hart went down with the ship. The flotilla led by the Sparta, along with the Belson and the Raenette II
took on the three pirate vessels. The Belson fended off L’Olius and his
flagship, the Crooked Sparrow, while Sparta was able and take Tiny
Sparrow in a boarding action, meanwhile the Raenette II took the Spotted
Sparrow – L’Olius seeing that the winds of fortune had turned, sailed
away before the flotilla could turn again onto him.
In the same vicinity, The Belson, Sparta and Raenette II were challenged
again. Their escort, the HMS Whisper had caught up with them, but was
quickly taken in a surprise attack by a Garvey Privateer fleet. The
three trade ships made a line of battle and soon the Sparta took the
BLuebelt, and the other pirate sailed away as Belson boarded and retook
the Whisper.
At sea, the HMS Bullshark was taken by a Carno Privateer, but its merchant flotilla safely made port.
Bloody Bill Strikes Again! -- One of the most
feared pirates sailing the far seas has attacked a Oleon fleet. The
famous, and fast Seven Seas Convoy, however, with special rigging it
seems Bill and his vessels were able to cut off the convoy and attack.
The convoy’s escorts stayed behind as the rest of the ships sailed for
safety. Unfortunately the HRS Astrapi and HRS Loraithian were no match
for Bloody Bill’s men, and in a boarding action, both were taken.
Within 100 miles of the end of their journey, the rest of the squadron
was attacked by an unknown large ship, it was able to overpower the Commerce de Breshaun
and the Scimitar before sailing off, leaving only one ship to make port
safely of the whole convoy. It is suspected that the unknown ship was
from Namere.
The Sea Rats merchant fleet also came under attack in this same area of the deep ocean. The Warbringer and La Oleon were taken by an Unknown fleet, but it is suspected that it was Captain Garius of the Mardier Navy and his squadron.
The Golden Filly, Lady Jacqueline, undefended were attacked by a pirate
calling himself Gregory Decker. He was able to force the Filly to
surrender, where he moved his colors. Meanwhile the Lady Jacqueline was
able to take “Lost at Sea” and Decker’s former flagship “Bonne Voyage”
but was unable to muster an assault on the Golden Filly, which Decker
sailed off to Bastion.
Another attack on the Sea Rats merchant fleet by Captain Slooth, pirate,
but no friend to Bastion. His little flotilla was met by Poseidon’s
Revenge, but they were overpowered and taken. Slooth attacked the
flotilla, but Night’s Gold forced Slooth in the Bonnie Lass to
surrender, Absolutely Fabulous was able to keep his other ship at bay
with their guns, while Night’s Gold forced the prize crew on Poseidon’s
Revenge to surrender. Slooth got away on his smaller ship.
Ships Taken:
5A Pirate “The Bagg of Bolton” Captured by HMS Bull Shark (COR)
4A Unknown ship captured by Fortune’s Miskeeper (SR)
4A Unknown Ship captured by HRS Galaxie (OL)
5A Garvey Privateer Hunter captured by HMS Pandora (COR)
3A Garvey Privateer Catfish captured by HMS Pandora (COR)
1A pirate captured by Poseidon’s Revenge (SR)
HMS Kite (COR) taken by Pirate Bluebeard in the Petty Bastard
HRS Eltina (OL) captured by LeColeon the Pirate
1A pirate captured by Fairmont. (OL)
The Meteor (OL) captured by Montroy the Pirate in Blowbe.
2A Pirate Bon Voyage captured by Fortune’s Miskeeper (SR)
5A Death’s Jubilee captured by HMS Friends Forever (COR)
4A Mardier’s Misfit captured by HMS Pandora (COR)
5HA Unknown Publius captured by HMS Pandora (COR) (off Holder’s Rock)
3A pirate Crow’s Feet captured by Fortune’s Miskeeper (SR) (Off Holder’s Rock)
5HA pirate Corporal Milton captured by The Walrus Returns (SR) (off Balondia)
HRS Granoleon (OL) captured by Harrison Torn
Revenant (OL) captured by Harrison Torn
4A Defender of Bastion captured by Starliner and Zephyr (OL)
2A pirate “Portrait of the King” captured by HRS Galaxie (OL)
2A unknown captured by HRS Breshaun (OL)
5HA Pirate Captain’s Chest captured by HMS Queen’s Glory (COR) (Off Belson)
Torino (OL) captured by Carno Privateer El Matador
The Fairmont (OL) captured by Carno Privateer El Matador
3A Blind Jack captured by HMS Whisper (COR)
HMS Queen’s Glory (COR) captured by the Black Mermaid
3A Tiny Sparrow captured by The Sparta (COR)
3A Spotted Sparrow captured by Raenette II
1A Bluebelt captured by Sparta (COR)
Pride of Poseidon (OL) taken by pirate Captain Gore in deep seas.
1A Pirate taken by Dread Treasure (ESL)
HMS Bull Shark (COR) taken by Carno Privateer “Bloodsucker”
4A pirate Clearance captured by Corrington Merchant Flotilla led by HMS Alice (COR)
HRS Astrapi (OL) taken by Bloody Bill
HRS Loraithian (OL) taken by Bloody Bill
La Oleon (SR) Captured by Unknown fleet.
Warbringer (SR) Captured by Unknown fleet.
Dagger (OL) taken by Privateer Gernaldo from Mardier.
Golden Filly (COR) taken by Gregory Decker, pirate.
2A Lost at Sea taken by Lady Jacqueline (COR)
3A Bonne Voyage taken by Lady Jacqueline (COR)
4A Bonnie Lass taken by Night’s Gold (SR)
4A Sea Bulge taken by Dread Treasure (ESL)
5HA Golden Goose taken by HMS Pandora (COR)
2A Sharkbite taken by HMS Friends Forever (COR)
Scimitar (OL) Captured by Unknown
Commerce de Breshaun (OL) Captured by Unknown
Detailed Ship Report:
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