What better way to wish my american friends a happy Independance Day then to build an icon of the USA.
And today, we are putting together the Statue of Liberty polybag, which came out in 2012. It`s a cheap one still to get, going at around 7 euro, but it contained a nice pile of green and tan pieces, making it excellent value.
Opening the bag we get the instructions leaflet and a pile of parts.
First, we build up the soccle of the statue, beginning with a tan plate to which we add detail and height.
Upon this, a grey brick with 4 knobs is placed to accomodate the robes of Lady Liberty.
Green slopes and a jumper then make up her main body.
A green minifigure head is placed on top of this.
Adding a dish for her crown and a torch for the flame, the little build stands completed.
And a few additional pieces are included as well
This is one of those `special case` sets for me. Up close, it doesn`t look like anything, but when seen from a meter or two away, it does an amazing good job. A fun little bag, and enjoy your festivities!
WSS: Battle of Münzkirchen - March 1703
Yesterday (Thursday) I hosted this little-known action; a *post from last
week* included some pictures of the initial set-up. My Zoom opponent was
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