Call it nostalgia. Call it melancholy. Call it a blast from the past...
A few weeks ago, I did a piece on which would become my second force, with the main contenders being the Alpha Legion, whom I would make with all "Loyalist" models, or my first 40k force ever, the Dark Angels.
So I pondered over it for a few weeks, and did paintscheme test models for all of them (the Dark Angels one I`ll upload once it`s full unit has been done), weighted the pro's and contra's, and did some number crunching.
Rumours are abound that most Primarch's will reappear anyway, so that wasn`t an item on the list.
But in the sheer end, when I was looking earlier at the boxes of loyalist models I got last week, I needed to make the decision as I`ll start assembling them soon. The Word Bearers, whom I wanted to do with Tzeentch demon support, quickly fell off. It`s best to combine my Chaos models in a big force then a heap of splintered forces, big battles and such on the horizon in may. So that paint scheme model will be recycled in a pink colour scheme.
That left me with the "what to do" with the loyalists. Either I could create a second force of Chaos Marines, different models but the same rules and tactics as my main army of Emperor's Children. OR I could go the loyalist way all out and take a loyalist chapter. And that would of course be that army i fielded in 3rd edition, the Dark Angels. In a time when they where by far the least popular...
Now, the decision was made as I looked at the boxes of Devastators I have here, and the fact I wouldn`t be able to incorporate the plasmacannons into a Chaos force, as Havocs don`t have those. It would be a shame not to use those, and the loyalists would give me some access to other troop types like speeders, attack bikes, and razorbacks for one.
So I cut the knot today, and it`ll be the Unforgiven that will be rising in my cabinets once again, albeit at a slow rate...
From ByronM - Challenge 15 sign off post
Well, I made it to the end of yet another Painting Challenge, even if I
didn't meet my target points. This year was a lot of fun, and I finally
felt go...
3 uur geleden
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