And I cried, and I cried and I crieeeeeeeeeddd....
No truly, I don't mean the lyrics of Somebody to Love, I actually did to that extend that Noshi by manner of speaking forbade me to see that movie ever again...
You see, I have a hate / love relationship with Queen. Not in liking or disliking their music and styles, because I adore those darling, but it is the music that has always been part of my life in both good and bad days, from pump you up songs like Breakthrough, down to feeling depressed and looking to The Show Must Go On.
So Rami Malik stars as Freddy Mercury (really, pro-critics, "lip syncing"???? Are you guys having it so high up the stiff behind that you actually believe someone can match his voice and range???) in the story of how the poor Zanzibari bagage hauler gets to meet a small band and it grows out to perhaps the most varied band ever.
Through all his exentricities and being badly influenced, to finding at last true love and true friendship, and to the strong handling, and refusal to become the sickness "poster boy" when diagnosed with AIDS, this is a realy strong film. Critics are amazed this might grab oscars? Well I ain't considering what realy boring rubbish won those statues the past years, and here come Queen. With a rock solid soundtrack (yeah, I sing along. Badly, but I know all the lyrics by heart at least lol) up to the shattering, and in my case the cry moment, of the Live Aid concert at Wembley.
Truly a masterpiece!
Give 'em A Bloody Nose!
Peter (*Grid based wargaming*) and I joined up on Wednesday (Thursday for
Peter in New Zealand) to exercise the latest iteration of my WotR rules.
The r...
43 minuten geleden
Thinking about Freddie's death still makes me cry. Best front-man ever!