Okay, so we are buying a house later this year... and that means costs, and space...
Now, that also means I'll be slowly shaving off some of the armies and gamesystems I aquired over the years, because there are a lot of them I just don't use, even units.
To give an example, my Emperor's Children (or generally speaking, Slaanesh force if I include the deamons, Heretics and Knights) total at the moment around 13.000 points, and the most I ever bring to the table are 3000 for the big battle, while I have already over 6000 points painted.
This is just a heap of wasted space to be honest, and to that end I am indeed going to be shaving down in them for example. The goal for that army will be 3.000 points of "pure" Emperor's Children, aka forces drawn from the Chaos Marines codex, supported by probably 1.500 points each of the other three factions. the added benefit being that I can use the demons in Age of Sigmar as well, their cross force usefullness a great bonus for that army.
But for example, I have 9 (!!!) Havoc squads, in most possible configurations and all 10 strong, 127 basic marines still to paint with already 70 being painted pinks and purples, and about 140 Cultists. There is no way in hell I will ever be using that amount of units of that type in a battle, so it might be a good idea to start making shelf space and cut down on some of those. About 60 cultists for example, and 50 Marines can safely be going as I won't be starting a second Chaos Legion.
Add to that that I have three more armies in the works / partially ready whom I will be building to the normal "club size battle" format, aka 1500 points. That is more then enough models to keep and play with, without going overboard on a trainload of useless models once again, who just fill up space without being played at all. Make that even 4 armies should I borrow Noshi's Drukhari army...
Does overkill come to mind?
Yes indeed, so to that end it might indeed be a very good idea to start shaving off odds and ends of the forces. Units I won't play or don't like playing, the excess baggage of some forces... the time has come to start "dumping" some of them, and finish the other forces for a more usefull purpose, aka 1500 points armies for as I said clubgames.
As a result, that would mean that by 2020 I should have a 3000 point main force, about 4 or 5 armies of 1500 points, and Noshi's army for 40k to play games with or go to events with, one army for Age of Sigmar of around 1500 to perhaps 3000 points (depending the game picks up again at TSA with big battles etc), and a heap of forces for of course MESBG, which is a labour of love compared to playability.
Still good for about two cabinets full of armies though, but not to the extreme anymore of a complete 5 shelf cabinet for just a SINGLE army as it is now...
Add to that some armies which I'll be selling in it's totallity, due to not enjoying them, like my Dux force (see the earlier post on that from last week), and space should become less sparce...
Now to go to my hobby room and start making selections of what to loose...
WW2 - Taking Stock of the Soviets
I've started taking stock of all the Second World War forces I have and
reorganizing them for Bolt Action (Third Edition) - because that's what my
3 uur geleden
Think I remember someone on YouTube saying they had 10 boxes of tyranids for kill team. Just to cover all the options. It's not just you.