Well, time to try and clear out some more of my no longer used miniatures, as they have been standing in the cabinets now for ages without any foreseeable future plans of going to the field of battle again.
All sets are sold as one, sorry but I don`t start splitting up into individual models. Shipping costs are for the buyer (freely upgraded to registred).
I haven`t posted any prices I`m looking for, just send me an offer I can`t refuse, or at least a decent one, and we can go from there.
First up the auction block is this complete Blood Bowl team of Chaos Dwarfs
Consisting of a variety of manufacturers, mostly Impact! Miniatures, it comes with a full staff of an Orc and a Goblin Cheerleader, a brewgirl, a halfling hot dog vendor, a Minotaur star player from Heresy, a wizard in the form of a Mercator limited edition Crisis entry model and Dwarf Vha`Dur from Heresy as Head Coach.
On top of that, the new owner also gets the scratchbuild Deathroller I made for a contest last year.
The second set of miniatures are this small lot of Doctor Who models, from a variety of manufacturers all in metal
Thirdly is this League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, based on the Sean Connery movie. Some of the models are minor conversions, and Skinner is a scratchbuild greenstuff project. All the others are metal figures.
Then I also have some teams of repainted Heroclix models. First is Alpha Flight in it`s `classic` team configuration.
Secondly this lot of Excalibur / M13, which winds down mostly to the teams led by Captain Britain.
If you`re intrested in any of these sets, just drop me a line or leave a reply after this post, thanks for looking!
From Barks: More 40K (136 points)
Because of reasons, this may be my last post this Challenge. I've not
reached my ambitious target, but it has been good to get paint on figures.
27 minuten geleden
Hello! I am interested in the chaos dwarves blood bowl's team. How much is the price of it? :)
Sorry no can do anymore, it left through `that well known aution site` this morning
BeantwoordenVerwijderenOh! That's sad. Thanks anyway :)